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[英]Haskell, Case inside of Where

I'm wondering if there is an idiom to handle the following example. 我想知道是否有处理以下示例的惯用法。 It has to be pretty common, and I don't think you can use where clauses to handle it. 它必须很常见,我认为您不能使用where子句来处理它。 Other than writing out two separate cases, I don't know how I would do it. 除了写出两个单独的案例,我不知道该怎么做。

The general problem is that I want to create a map with a different value depending on a SelectionType , like so: 一般的问题是我想根据SelectionType创建一个具有不同值的地图,如下所示:

type OtherType = { x :: Int, y :: Int, z :: String } deriving (Show)

data SelectionType = A | B

myMapper = map foo someMyTypes

where someMyTypes :: [MyType] and foo is 其中someMyTypes :: [MyType]foo

foo :: SelectionType -> MyType -> OtherType
foo sel t = [ x t, y t, z t <> something ]
    case SelectionType of
      A -> something = "a selected"
      B -> something = "b selected"

What is the best way to handle this above case, since the above doesn't compile. 由于上述内容无法编译,因此处理上述情况的最佳方法是什么。

Just move the equation outside of the case. 只需将方程式移出案例即可。

foo sel t = [ x t, y t, z t <> something ]
    something = case sel of
      A -> "a selected"
      B -> "b selected"

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