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[英]Bash bad substitution with subshell

I am trying to get the Distro name without the quotation marks. 我试图获取不带引号的发行版名称。

cat /etc/*-release | grep "NAME=.*" -o | cut -d "=" -f2 | head -n1

Returns: "CentOS Linux" 返回: "CentOS Linux"

Now, using shell substitution, I tried to remove the quotation marks my placing the command in a sub-shell: 现在,使用外壳替换,我尝试删除引号,将命令放在子外壳中:

echo ${$(cat /etc/*-release | grep "NAME=.*" -o | cut -d "=" -f2 | head -n1)/\"}

I was thinking I could escape the quote using \\" and then omitting the last / to simply delete the quotes. 我当时想我可以使用\\"转义引号,然后省略最后一个/来删除引号。

EDIT: I know this could be done with awk , but I don't know how. 编辑:我知道这可以用awk完成,但我不知道如何。

EDIT: Output of cat /etc/*-release : 编辑: cat /etc/*-release -release的输出:

CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="7 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"


CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

Expected output: CentOS Linux 预期输出:CentOS Linux

/etc/os-release appears to be a simple set of shell assignment statement; /etc/os-release似乎是一组简单的shell分配语句; you might simply source it and output the value of $NAME (using a subshell to avoid potentially overwriting any variables in the current shell): 可以简单地获取它并输出$NAME的值(使用子shell以避免潜在覆盖当前shell中的任何变量):

( . /etc/os-release; echo "$NAME" )

This might be a security risk, depending on your level of trust that /etc/os-release could contain other executable code for whatever reason. 这可能是安全隐患,具体取决于您对/etc/os-release可能出于任何原因包含其他可执行代码的信任程度。

Depending on your actual needs, you might also simply use /etc/centos-release , which contains the information you want as a simple string. 根据您的实际需求,您还可以简单地使用/etc/centos-release ,它以简单的字符串形式包含您想要的信息。 (You might not be assuming that your script will run on a CentOS box, of course. os-release appears to be a more distro-agnostic version.) (当然,您可能并不假定脚本会在CentOS机器上运行os-release似乎是一个与发行版无关的版本。)

Using awk , getting the OS name following the NAME variable. 使用awk ,在NAME变量之后获取操作系统名称。

awk -F"=" '$1=="NAME"{gsub(/"/, "", $2);print $2; exit}' /etc/os-release 
CentOS Linux

Your solution almost works. 您的解决方案几乎可行。 The quotes in "CentOS Linux" were part of the release-file, using a subshell doesn't help. "CentOS Linux"中的引号是发行文件的一部分,使用子外壳无济于事。 You can use cut with a double quote as delimiter: 您可以使用带有双引号的cut作为分隔符:

cat /etc/*-release | grep "NAME=.*" -o | cut -d "=" -f2 | head -n1 | cut -d '"' -f2

You can do the same using sed with 您可以使用sed

sed -n '/^NAME=/ {s/NAME="\(.*\)".*/\1/p;q}' /etc/*-release 

Explanation: Tell sed only to print lines asked for with a p , look for a line starting with NAME= , match the part between the quotes and quit after the first line with NAME= . 说明:仅告诉sed打印要求使用p的行,查找以NAME=开头的行,匹配引号之间的部分,并在使用NAME=的第一行之后退出。

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