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绑定到ResourceDictionary XAML中DataTemplate中的ContextMenuOpening

[英]Binding to ContextMenuOpening in DataTemplate within ResourceDictionary XAML

I have a ResourceDictionary that contains a <DataTemplate> with a <TextBox> in it. 我有一个ResourceDictionary,其中包含带有<TextBox><DataTemplate> The problem is how to use a binding to connect the ContextMenuOpening event of the TextBox . 问题是如何使用绑定来连接TextBoxContextMenuOpening事件。 I have tried creating a DependencyProperty through DependencyProperty.Register with a name that matches the Binding in the ContextMenuOpening event, but at runtime the error is: 我尝试通过DependencyProperty.Register创建一个DependencyProperty,其名称与ContextMenuOpening事件中的Binding相匹配,但在运行时错误为:

A 'Binding' cannot be set on the 'AddContextMenuOpeningHandler' property of type 'TextBox'. A 'Binding' can only be set on a DependencyProperty of a DependencyObject.

ResourceDictionary XAML: ResourceDictionary XAML:

       <TextBox ContextMenuOpening="{Binding ??WHAT GOES HERE?? }"  />

Is what I'm trying to do even possible because of the XAML being in the ResourceDictionary rather than in the XAML of a UserControl? 由于XAML在ResourceDictionary中,而不在UserControl的XAML中,我试图做的事情甚至可能吗?

Is what I'm trying to do even possible because of the XAML being in the ResourceDictionary rather than in the XAML of a UserControl? 由于XAML在ResourceDictionary中,而不在UserControl的XAML中,我试图做的事情甚至可能吗?

Yes, you could add a code-behind file to a ResourceDictionary as described here: 是的,您可以按照以下说明将代码隐藏文件添加到ResourceDictionary:

Is it possible to set code behind a resource dictionary in WPF for event handling? 是否可以在WPF中的资源字典后面设置代码以进行事件处理?

Once you have added the code-behind file you could handle the event as usual: 一旦添加了代码隐藏文件,便可以照常处理事件:

<TextBox ContextMenuOpening="TextBox_ContextMenuOpening"  />

private void TextBox_ContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuEventArgs e)
    //do your thing...

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