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Laravel 包单元测试在配置文件中的辅助函数失败(调用未定义的方法 base_path())

[英]Laravel package unit testing failing for helper function in config file (call to undefined method base_path())

Okay, So I'm trying to update a package that I used a good deal with Laravel 4 to be compatible with Laravel 5, since the original repository hasn't had any updates for a while and it needed a few tweaks to work with Laravel 5.好的,所以我正在尝试更新一个我在 Laravel 4 上使用了很多的包以与 Laravel 5 兼容,因为原始存储库有一段时间没有任何更新,它需要一些调整才能与 Laravel 一起使用5.

I have made the necessary changes, and created a pull request to the original repository.我已经进行了必要的更改,并创建了对原始存储库的拉取请求

I noticed the unit tests had failed, though, so I tried digging into it.不过,我注意到单元测试失败了,所以我尝试深入研究。 I haven't done anything with PHPUnit so far, so I figured this would be a good learning experience.到目前为止,我还没有对 PHPUnit 做过任何事情,所以我认为这将是一次很好的学习体验。

I'm not asking for help with the error displayed on github.我不是在寻求有关 github 上显示的错误的帮助。 I managed to get past that error, but I achieved this by removing some tests, which of course isn't an actual solution, thus these changes are not committed.我设法克服了那个错误,但是我通过删除一些测试来实现这一点,这当然不是一个实际的解决方案,因此这些更改没有提交。 I will fix that once I have a better understanding of how unit testing works.一旦我对单元测试的工作原理有了更好的理解,我就会解决这个问题。

The problem I seem to be having is that one of Laravel's helper functions is being used in the default config file of the package, it is saying the function base_path() is undefined.我似乎遇到的问题是 Laravel 的一个辅助函数正在包的默认配置文件中使用,它说函数base_path()未定义。

As I understand, PHPUnit works with classes and I would need to mock the function in order for it to be used.据我了解,PHPUnit 与类一起工作,我需要模拟该函数才能使用它。 Can't seem to find a straight answer HOW to do that.似乎无法找到直接的答案如何做到这一点。

Since it's pointing a config variable to a folder which doesn't exist in my repository hierarchy, I'm not even sure what it should return.由于它将配置变量指向我的存储库层次结构中不存在的文件夹,因此我什至不确定它应该返回什么。

The file that's causing the issue is the default config located in polyglot/config/polyglot.php导致问题的文件是位于 polyglot/config/polyglot.php 中的默认配置

return [

// Whether to swap out the facades (Router, Lang, etc) with
// Polyglot's, disable this if you need other packages to do the same
// Can specify an array of facades to swap, eg. ['Lang', 'URL']
'facades' => true,

// Locales

// The default locale if none is provided in the URL
// Leave empty to force the use of locales prefixes in URLs
'default' => 'en',

// The fallback locale for translations
// If null, the default locale is used
'fallback' => null,

// The available locales
'locales' => [],

// Gettext

// The domain of your translations, for gettext use
'domain' => 'messages',

// Where the PO/MO files reside

'folder' => base_path('resources/lang'),
// Format of the compiled files
'file' => '{domain}.po',

// Database

// The pattern Polyglot should follow to find the Lang classes
// Examples are "Lang\{model}", "{model}Lang", where {model}
// will be replaced by the model's name
'model_pattern' => '{model}Lang',

]; ];

So, what is typical to do in this situation?那么,在这种情况下,典型的做法是什么? Define the function manually?手动定义函数? Include the helper file somehow?以某种方式包含帮助文件? Or discard the use of the function and go with a solution using basic php directory references?或者放弃使用该函数并使用基本的 php 目录引用解决方案? Any help would be appreciated.任何帮助,将不胜感激。

For anyone else googling this, the solution I found was to use the CreatesApplication trait and call the createApplication() method in your test class.对于使用谷歌搜索的其他人,我找到的解决方案是使用CreatesApplication特征并在您的测试类中调用createApplication()方法。

class MyTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
   use Tests\CreatesApplication;

    protected function setUp(): void

After adding this to your class, you can then access helper classes like app() and base_path() , etc.将此添加到您的类后,您就可以访问帮助类,如app()base_path()等。

base_path is a standard Laravel helper. base_path是一个标准的 Laravel 助手。 It's available every time Laravel boots.每次 Laravel 启动时它都可用。 The proper approach is booting Laravel in your tests via the TestCase base class included in Laravel.正确的方法是通过 Laravel 中包含的TestCase基类在测试中启动 Laravel。 Refer to the official testing guide and this laracast .请参阅官方测试指南此 laracast

You should not mock the method.你不应该嘲笑这个方法。 You should not replace it with file references and string assembly.您不应将其替换为文件引用和字符串程序集。 Doing either of these moves the code away from Laravel integration, not toward, as you wanted to do with the L5 upgrade.执行其中任何一项都会使代码远离Laravel 集成,而不是像您想要对 L5 升级所做的那样。

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