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更改Google Maps API半径

[英]Change google maps API radius

I'm trying to change an existing circle radius on google maps API. 我正在尝试更改Google Maps API上的现有圆半径。 I'm using jquery-location-picker but here is a light snippet of what I'm trying to do: 我正在使用jquery-location-picker,但这是我要执行的操作的简短摘要

            location: {
                latitude: initLat,
                longitude: initLon
            radius: initRadius,
            zoom: initZoom,
            inputBinding: {
                latitudeInput: $('#map-lat'),
                longitudeInput: $('#map-lon'),
                locationNameInput: $('#map-address'),
                radiusInput: $('#map-radius')
            onchanged: function (currentLocation, radius, isMarkerDropped) {
                var mapContext = $('#map').locationpicker('map');

                //CHANGE RADIUS HERE

            enableAutocomplete: true,
            addressFormat: 'street_address',
            autocompleteOptions: {
                componentRestrictions: { country: 'us' }

Everything else in the onchanged event works correctly and I've tried various things found here without success. onchanged事件中的其他所有内容都可以正常运行,并且我尝试了此处找到的各种尝试,但均未成功。

Looking at the source code , there doesn't seem to be an externally available way to directly access the circle (at the current time). 看一下源代码 ,似乎没有一种外部可用的方法可以直接访问圈子(当前时间)。 Changing the value of the input linked to it changes the radius. 更改与其链接的输入的值将更改半径。 The code is open source, so you can modify it to allow direct access to the google.maps.Circle object. 该代码是开源的,因此您可以对其进行修改以允许直接访问google.maps.Circle对象。

Found a temporary solution, not sure if it's proper but it works. 找到了一个临时解决方案,不确定是否合适,但是可以正常工作。 This simply forces a change event as if the user manually entered a new radius, but only if the marker was dropped or a new address was entered. 这仅是强制进行更改事件,就像用户手动输入新的半径一样,但是仅当标记被放置或输入了新地址时才如此。

<input type="text" id="map-address" style="width: 200px" />
<input type="text" id="map-radius" />mi
<input type="hidden" id="map-lat" />
<input type="hidden" id="map-lon" />
<div id="map" style="width: 500px; height: 400px;" />
    var iteration = 0;
    var initLat = 37.963922;
    var initLon = -95.966002;
    var initZoom = 3;
    var initRadius = 0;

        location: {
            latitude: initLat,
            longitude: initLon
        radius: initRadius,
        zoom: initZoom,
        inputBinding: {
            latitudeInput: $('#map-lat'),
            longitudeInput: $('#map-lon'),
            locationNameInput: $('#map-address'),
            radiusInput: $('#map-radius')
        onchanged: function (currentLocation, radius, isMarkerDropped) {
            var mapContext = $('#map').locationpicker('map');

                iteration = 0;

            if (iteration < 1 && radius > 1) {
                radius = 1;
                var map_rad = document.getElementById("map-radius");
                map_rad.value = radius;
                map_rad.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
        enableAutocomplete: true,
        addressFormat: 'street_address',
        autocompleteOptions: {
            componentRestrictions: { country: 'us' }

Special thanks to Miscreant's modern solution. 特别感谢Miscreant的现代化解决方案。

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