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[英]Download App Link in Google Search Results

I've an Android app, in which I enabled App indexing and Deep Linking, that app is associated with a company website, my target is to show "Download App" button when the site occurs in google's search results on a mobile phone or tablet like the pic attached. 我有一个Android应用程序,其中启用了应用程序索引和深度链接功能,该应用程序与公司网站相关联,我的目标是当该网站出现在手机或平板电脑上的Google搜索结果中时,显示“下载应用程序”按钮就像所附的图片。

Any orientations please ? 有什么方向吗?


This is known as App Indexing on Google Search. 这称为Google搜索上的应用索引 Which allows developer to get their apps in google search result. 开发人员可以在Google搜索结果中获取其应用。

How this works? 如何运作?

If users already have installed your app then it will directly launch application. 如果用户已经安装了您的应用程序,则它将直接启动应用程序。 If user don't yet have your app then relevant google search query will create install card for your app in search result. 如果用户还没有您的应用,则相关的Google搜索查询将在搜索结果中为您的应用创建安装卡

Steps https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6041489?hl=en 步骤 https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6041489?hl=zh_CN

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