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[英]Not able to access MSSQLSERVER-MIB using SNMP Protocol

I was trying to access MSSQLSERVER-MIB on Windows Server 2012 using SnmpWalk.exe . 我试图使用SnmpWalk.exe访问Windows Server 2012上的MSSQLSERVER-MIB。 The object that I am particularly interested is the mssqlSrvState , whose oid is: . 我特别感兴趣的对象是mssqlSrvState ,其oid为:。 Although the MS SQL Service is running on the server, I was unable to obtain information about any of the objects in MSSQLSERVER-MIB. 尽管MS SQL Service在服务器上运行,但是我无法获取有关MSSQLSERVER-MIB中任何对象的信息。 Does this mean that SnmpWalk is unaware of MSSQLSERVER's MIB list? 这是否意味着SnmpWalk不知道MSSQLSERVER的MIB列表? As an alternative, I used SNMP4J Java API and SnmpGet.exe from snmpsoft.com, but they failed as well. 作为替代,我使用了来自snmpsoft.com的SNMP4J Java API和SnmpGet.exe,但它们也失败了。 The show the error "Failed to get value of SNMP variable. Variable does not exist >." 显示错误“无法获取SNMP变量的值。变量不存在>。”。 Please suggests ways to access MSSQLSERVER's MIB. 请提出访问MSSQLSERVER MIB的方法。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

As an old article says, SNMP support has been removed since MSSQL 2005. 如旧文章所述,自MSSQL 2005起,SNMP支持已被删除。

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179428(v=SQL.90).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/ms179428(v=SQL.90).aspx

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