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[英]Sortable ListView with Drag n Drop and buttons, how to know list.position on button press

I have a Sortable ListView from this code: 我从此代码有一个可排序的ListView:

https://github.com/pnavk/Drag-and-Drop-ListView https://github.com/pnavk/Drag-and-Drop-ListView

On each row i have a button, i need to know the list.position every time i click on the button. 在每一行上我都有一个按钮,每次单击按钮时我都需要知道list.position。 Before implementing the drag n drop listview i was getting the position in this way: 在实现drag n drop listview之前,我是以这种方式获得位置的:

In my ListViewAdapter i use this code: 在我的ListViewAdapter中,我使用以下代码:

            if (!editImageButton.HasOnClickListeners)
                editImageButton.Click += delegate

and in my activity: 在我的活动中:

        public void ShowEditPhaseDialog(int phasePos)
            var builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
            userInput = new EditText(this);
            userInput.Text = data[phasePos].PhaseName;
            builder.SetTitle("Phase Edit");
            builder.SetMessage("Edit or Delete a phase");
            builder.SetPositiveButton("Save edit", (s, ex) => { EditPhase(userInput.Text, phasePos); });
            builder.SetNegativeButton("Cancel", (s, ex) => { HideKeyboard(userInput); });
            builder.SetNeutralButton("Delete", (s, ex) => { RemovePhase(phasePos); });

            dialog = builder.Create();

But now after implementing the draggable adapter, every time i change the position of the row, the onbutton clicklistener remain the same with the old position. 但是现在在实现可拖动适配器之后,每次我更改行的位置时,onclick clicklistener都与旧位置保持不变。 how i can solve this problem? 我该如何解决这个问题?

DraggableListAdapter has this function for swapping items: DraggableListAdapter具有用于交换项目的此功能:

        public void SwapItems(int indexOne, int indexTwo)
            var oldValue = Items[indexOne];
            Items[indexOne] = Items[indexTwo];
            Items[indexTwo] = oldValue;
            mMobileCellPosition = indexTwo;

Solved by using button.Tag to store the position and send the position in this way: 通过使用button.Tag解决此问题,以存储位置并通过以下方式发送位置:

        if (!editImageButton.HasOnClickListeners)
            editImageButton.Click += delegate

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