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如何从 C# 中的字符串中提取 url

[英]How to extract an url from a String in C#

I have this string :我有这个字符串:

 href='JavaScript:void(0);' onclick='return takeImg(this)'
 tabindex='1' class='myclass' width='55' height='66' alt=\"myalt\"></figure>"

How can I retrieve this link :如何检索此链接:


All string are the same type so somehow I need to get substring between src= and href .所有字符串都是相同的类型,所以我需要在src=href之间获取子字符串。 But I don't know how to do that.但我不知道该怎么做。 Thanks.谢谢。

If you parse HTML don't not use string methods but a real HTML parser like HtmlAgilityPack :如果您解析 HTML,请不要使用字符串方法,而是使用真正的 HTML 解析器,例如HtmlAgilityPack

var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
doc.LoadHtml(html);  // html is your string
var linksAndImages = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a/@href | //img/@src");
var allSrcList = linksAndImages
    .Select(node => node.GetAttributeValue("src", "[src not found]"))


var src = Regex.Match("the string", "<img.+?src=[\"'](.+?)[\"'].*?>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups[1].Value;

通常,在解析 HTML 代码中的值时,您应该使用 HTML/XML 解析器,但是对于像这样的有限字符串,Regex 就可以了。

string url = Regex.Match(htmlString, @"src='(.*?)'").Groups[1].Value;

If your string is always in same format, you can easily do this like so :如果您的字符串始终采用相同的格式,您可以轻松地这样做:

string input =  "<figure><img src='http://myphotos.net/image.ashx?type=2&image=Images\\2\\9\\11\\12\\3\\8\\4\\7\\685621455625.jpg' href='JavaScript:void(0);' onclick='return takeImg(this)' tabindex='1' class='myclass' width='55' height='66' alt=\"myalt\"></figure>";
// link is between ' signs starting from the first ' sign so you can do :
input = input.Substring(input.IndexOf("'")).Substring(input.IndexOf("'"));
// now your string looks like : "http://myphotos.net/image.ashx?type=2&image=Images\\2\\9\\11\\12\\3\\8\\4\\7\\685621455625.jpg"

return input;
string str = "<figure><imgsrc = 'http://myphotos.net/image.ashx?type=2&image=Images\\2\\9\\11\\12\\3\\8\\4\\7\\685621455625.jpg'href = 'JavaScript:void(0);' onclick = 'return takeImg(this)'tabindex = '1' class='myclass' width='55' height='66' alt=\"myalt\"></figure>";

int pFrom = str.IndexOf("src = '") + "src = '".Length;
int pTo = str.LastIndexOf("'href");

string url = str.Substring(pFrom, pTo - pFrom);

Source :来源 :

Get string between two strings in a string 获取字符串中两个字符串之间的字符串

Q is your string in this case, i look for the index of the attribute you want (src = ') then I remove the first few characters (7 including spaces) and after that you look for when the text ends by looking for '.在这种情况下,Q 是您的字符串,我查找您想要的属性的索引 (src = '),然后删除前几个字符(包括空格在内的 7 个),然后您通过查找 ' 来查找文本何时结束。

With removing the first few characters you could use .IndexOf to look for how many to delete so its not hard coded.通过删除前几个字符,您可以使用 .IndexOf 来查找要删除的字符数,因此它不是硬编码的。

        string q =
            "<figure><img src = 'http://myphotos.net/image.ashx?type=2&image=Images\\2\\9\\11\\12\\3\\8\\4\\7\\685621455625.jpg' href = 'JavaScript:void(0);' onclick = 'return takeImg(this)'" +
            "tabindex = '1' class='myclass' width='55' height='66' alt=\"myalt\"></figure>";
        string z = q.Substring(q.IndexOf("src = '"));
        z = z.Substring(7);
        z = z.Substring(0, z.IndexOf("'"));

This is certainly not the most elegant way (look at the other answers for that :)).这当然不是最优雅的方式(请查看其他答案:))。

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