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Spring Security antMatcher表达式不适用于路径变量

[英]Spring Security antMatcher expression not works with path variable

I need to provide certain role for accessing a URL in the following format: 我需要提供某些角色来访问以下格式的URL:

/connector/{programId}/order/{anything here}

Where programId is an integer value so I'd tried the following and it doesn't work at all. 其中programId是整数值,因此我尝试了以下操作,但它根本不起作用。


But when I used ** instead of the programId part it's working well. 但是,当我使用**代替programId部分时,它运行良好。 But how can I make it work with pathVariable (which is always an integer). 但是,如何使它与pathVariable(始终为整数)一起使用。



我正在使用: .regexMatchers("/connector/(\\\\d+)/order/.*").access("hasRole('CONNECTOR')")但是服务器响应405错误

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