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[英]Robot Framework - query returned keyword types

is there a means of querying the returned keyword variable types? 有没有一种查询返回的关键字变量类型的方法? Trying to debug some scripts and would be really useful to have something like the Python type(my_variable) available? 尝试调试一些脚本,是否有可用的类似Python type(my_variable)东西真的有用吗?

Assuming you are using robot version 2.9 or above, you can use the Evaluate keyword to use python's type(myvariable) by taking advantage of Evaluate's variable substitution : 假设您使用的机器人版本为2.9或更高版本,则可以利用Evaluate的变量替换功能来使用Evaluate关键字来使用python的type(myvariable)

For example: 例如:

*** Keywords ***
keyword that returns an int
    ${result}=  set variable  ${42}
    [return]    ${result}

keyword that returns a list
    ${result}=    create list   one  two  three
    [return]    ${result}

keyword that returns a string
    ${result}=    set variable  foo
    [return]    ${result}

*** Test Cases ***
    ${result1}=    keyword that returns an int
    @{result2}=    keyword that returns a list
    ${result3}=    keyword that returns a string

    ${type1}=    evaluate    type($result1)
    ${type2}=    evaluate    type($result2)
    ${type3}=    evaluate    type($result3)

    should be equal as strings    ${type1}    <type 'int'>
    should be equal as strings    ${type2}    <type 'list'>
    should be equal as strings    ${type3}    <type 'unicode'>

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