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[英]Passing PHP variable ID to create and fetch dynamic Modal content

I tried several answers here but I think I am completely lost about figuring my issue. 我在这里尝试了几个答案,但我想我对弄清楚我的问题完全迷失了。

So, I am creating post list of different post for Book article which each of the article have different contents to pull-out from the backend. 因此,我正在为Book文章创建不同文章的文章列表,其中每个文章都有不同的内容要从后端提取。 To ease the multiple-click-page, I chose to use Modal. 为了简化多次单击页面,我选择使用Modal。 Got some info red from some Bootstrap Modal answers comparing/using it to my UIKit Modal, but it seems not working correctly. 将某些Bootstrap Modal答案与我的UIKit Modal进行比较/使用后,获得了一些红色的信息,但它似乎无法正常工作。

This is mixed of WordPress and Core Function of UIKit Modal 这是WordPress和UIKit Modal的核心功能的混合体

Code Fig.1 代码图1

<a href="" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-width-1-1" data-content="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" data-uk-modal="{target:'#book-info',bgclose:false,center:true}"><?php echo $book_button; ?></a>

- Modal Trigger -模态触发

<div id="book-info" class="uk-modal">
  <div class="uk-modal-dialog">
    <a class="uk-modal-close uk-close"></a>
    <div class="fetched-data">
      <!-- Content To Fetch -->

- Modal Container -模态容器

Code Fig.2 代码图2

    'show.uk.modal': function(){
      var postID = $(e.relatedTarget).data('content');

        type: 'post',
        url: 'wp-content/themes/mytheme/inc/structures/modal/modal-book.php',
        data: 'data='+ postID,
        success: function(data) {

- Ajax Script -Ajax脚本

Code Fig.3 代码图3

$postID = $_GET['data'];
$postname = new WP_Query([ 'post_type' => 'causes', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'p' => $postID ]);

while ( $postname->have_posts() ) : $postname->the_post();

  echo '<br>';
  echo $post->post_name;



- modal-book.php file -modal-book.php文件

Code Issue 1 代码发行1

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) 加载资源失败:服务器响应状态为500(内部服务器错误)

This is my message from the console, reflecting to my path: wp-content/themes/mytheme/inc/structures/modal/modal-book.php 这是我从控制台发出的消息,反映到我的路径: wp-content/themes/mytheme/inc/structures/modal/modal-book.php

Conclusion 结论

On the first thought, I don't know if the code was technically passing my variable through the Ajax and I am not sure why it was responding as 500 (Internal Server Error). 乍一想,我不知道代码在技术上是否通过Ajax传递了我的变量,而且我不确定为什么它响应为500(内部服务器错误)。 Hope you can help me figure out the it. 希望你能帮助我找出答案。

Ok, after sometime to debug my whole codes and did some more research. 好的,经过一段时间调试我的全部代码并进行了更多研究。 Here's the working solution to my issue. 这是我的问题的有效解决方案。

First, I did realized that the data I am passing is "Empty" which is cause to my modal resulting "500 (Internal Server Error)". 首先,我确实意识到我传递的数据是“空”,这是模态结果“ 500(内部服务器错误)”的原因。 Second, My Ajax "Data" also don't know my variable value which resulting error because it is empty. 其次,我的Ajax“数据”也不知道我的变量值,因为它为空,因此导致错误。 And while triggering the modal to open, there is no data-content passing to any of my script. 在触发模式打开时,没有data-content传递给我的任何脚本。


<a href="" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-width-1-1 open-modal" data-content="<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" data-uk-modal="{target:'#book-info'}"><?php echo $book_button; ?></a>

- Revised Modal Trigger -修订的模态触发器

$('.open-modal').on('click', function(){
  var postID = $(this).attr('data-content');

  var modal = UIkit.modal(".uk-modal", {center: true, bgclose: false});

  if ( modal.isActive() ) {
  } else {

      type: 'GET',
      dataType: 'json',
      url: 'wp-content/themes/mytheme/inc/structures/modal/modal-donate.php',
      data: 'data='+postID,
      success: function(data) {


- Revised Ajax Script -修订的Ajax脚本

After realized all things here. 意识到这里的所有东西之后。 It went fine and working correctly. 一切正常,工作正常。 I revised the Ajax script and match the type function i am using over the "modal-book.php" file and add change the event modal to raw js script of the modal since I am having difficulties to clear the content when closing the modal. 我修改了Ajax脚本,并在“ modal-book.php”文件上匹配了我正在使用的type函数,并将事件模式更改为模式的原始js脚本,因为在关闭模式时很难清除内容。

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