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C ++ 64位计算机,显示32位堆地址

[英]C++ 64 Bit machine , shows 32 Bit heap address

I created a sample C++ program on a 64 Bit linux machine running on VMware Player over host machine as windows. 我在通过主机作为窗口在VMware Player上运行的64位linux计算机上创建了一个示例C ++程序。 The below is a class code. 下面是一个类代码。

        class operatorOverloadingTest{
                    int age;
                    char *name;
                    operatorOverloadingTest(int age){
                            this->age = age;
                            name = new char[10];

                    void displayDetails(){
                            cout<<"My Name :"<<name<<endl;
                            cout <<"My age: "<<age<<endl;
                    friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const operatorOverloadingTest &myObj);
                            delete name;
                            cout<<" \nDestructor getting called"<<endl;

In my Main function, created object of class:
1. By using new operator.
2. Stack Object.

int main(){
    operatorOverloadingTest *oOT = new operatorOverloadingTest(10);
    operatorOverloadingTest oOT1(30);

I understand that, on 64-Bit machine, memory address are represented in 8 Bytes. 我了解在64位计算机上,内存地址以8字节表示。

When I run the program using GDB, i see the below address: 当我使用GDB运行程序时,我看到以下地址:

p oOT
$1 = (operatorOverloadingTest *) 0x613c20
p &oOT
$2 = (operatorOverloadingTest **) 0x7fffffffe228
$7 = (int *) 0x7fffffffe210
(gdb) p &(oOT->age)
$8 = (int *) 0x613c20

My question is, why does object allocated in heap shows a 32 bit address representation and the object on stack (oOT1) shows a 64 bit address representation though my operating System is 64 Bit? 我的问题是,尽管我的操作系统是64位,为什么在堆中分配的对象显示32位地址表示,而堆栈上的对象(oOT1)显示64位地址表示? (Checked using uname -a). (使用uname -a检查)。

My question is, why does object allocated in heap shows a 32 bit address representation and the object on stack (oOT1) shows a 64 bit address representation 我的问题是,为什么在堆中分配的对象显示32位地址表示,而堆栈上的对象(oOT1)显示64位地址表示

When you look at 0x1234 , you know that the entity has at least 16 bits, but you can't tell whether it's 16-bit, a 32-bit, or a 64-bit entity, because GDB will not print leading zeros. 当您查看0x1234 ,您知道该实体至少有 16位,但是您无法确定它是16位,32位还是64位实体,因为GDB不会打印前导零。

If you want to know how big some program entity is, try: 如果您想知道某个程序实体的大小,请尝试:

(gdb) print sizeof(oOT)
(gdb) print sizeof(&ooT)

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