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[英]No permission to access invitable friends

I am developing an android game app and want to get a list of Facebook invitable friends. 我正在开发一个Android游戏应用程序,并希望获得Facebook邀请好友的列表。

Unfortunately I hit this error: Response: responseCode: 400, graphObject: null, error: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 100, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#100) No permission to access invitable_friends.} with code below. 不幸的是,我遇到了以下错误: Response: responseCode: 400, graphObject: null, error: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 100, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#100) No permission to access invitable_friends.} ,下面的代码。


new GraphRequest(
    new GraphRequest.Callback()
         public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response)

Permissions 权限

List< String> permissionNeeds = Arrays.asList("user_friends");

Can anyone helps me to point out the problems ? 谁能帮助我指出问题所在? Is it caused by missing permission ? 是由于缺少许可引起的吗? Or, I can only get invitable_friends for my game app with Canvas implemenation ? 或者,我只能通过Canvas实现为我的游戏应用程序邀请invitable_friends吗?

Thank You. 谢谢。 :) :)

Getting user_friends permission requires you to submit your app for facebook devs to review. 要获得user_friends权限,您需要提交您的应用,以供Facebook开发者审查。 If you just want the list of friends who have installed your app you can get that without the user_friends permission, by just doing a get call on : 如果您只需要已安装应用程序的朋友列表,则可以通过仅执行get调用而无需user_friends许可来获取:

https://graph.facebook.com/fb_id/friends?access_token= ... https://graph.facebook.com/fb_id/friends?access_token= ...

Reference : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/friends 参考: https : //developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/friends

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