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[英]Pause main thread in Python

I'm writing some code in Python so that it shows me info on LCD display when I press a button. 我正在用Python编写一些代码,以便当我按下按钮时可以在LCD显示屏上显示信息。 This is part of my code: 这是我的代码的一部分:

GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)

def action1(self):
   temp = "15"
   lcd.message("  Temp. Est.: \n" + "    " + temp + " " + chr(223) + "C")

GPIO.add_event_detect(18, GPIO.RISING,callback=action1, bouncetime=800) 

while True:
date = datetime.now().strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M')

This code is working but when I press the button it shows me the temperature, then the time and the temperature again (it depends on when I press the button). 该代码有效,但是当我按下按钮时,它会显示温度,时间和温度(取决于我何时按下按钮)。 I've read that "GPIO.add_event_detect" runs a second thread for callback functions and it does not pause the main thread. 我已经读到“ GPIO.add_event_detect”为回调函数运行第二个线程,并且它不会暂停主线程。 I would like that after the button is pressed it stays on the LCD whenever i push the button and then it starts the code from bottom, in my case with the time. 我希望在按下按钮后,只要我按一下按钮,它就会一直停留在LCD上,然后我会从下往上启动代码(以我的情况为准)。 How may I achieve it? 我该如何实现? Thank you! 谢谢!

Multithreading is full of counter-intuitive surprises. 多线程充满了违反直觉的意外。 To avoid them, I'd rather avoid updating the display from two different threads. 为了避免它们,我宁愿避免从两个不同的线程更新显示。

Instead, I'd rather send a message from the handler thread, or at least updated a shared flag from it. 相反,我宁愿从处理程序线程中发送一条消息,或者至少从中更新一个共享标志。

The main loop would run faster and react on the updates (a rough sketch): 主循环会运行得更快,并对更新做出反应(粗略的草图):

desired_state = None  # the shared flag, updated from key press handler.
current_state = 'show_date'  # what we used to display
TICK = 0.1  # we check the state every 100 ms.
MAX_TICKS = 50  # we display a value for up to 5 seconds.
ticks_elapsed = 0
while True:
  if desired_state != current_state:
    # State changed, start displaying a new thing.
    current_state = desired_state
    ticks_elapsed = 0
    if desired_state == 'show_date':
    elif desired_state == 'show_temp':
    elif desired_state == 'blank':
    else:  # unknown state, we have an error in the program.
       signal_error('What? %s' % desired_state)
  # Advance the clock.
  ticks_elapsed += 1
  if ticks_elapsed >= MAX_TICKS:
    # Switch display to either date or blank.
    desired_state = 'show_date' if current_state == 'blank' else 'blank' 
    ticks_elapsed = 0

Disclaimer: I did not test this code. 免责声明:我没有测试此代码。

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