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[英].Net build is failing due to invalid applicationHost.config

Folks, 伙计们,

Am trying to run a build using the below command line however there is a prompt everytime which is causing trouble. 我试图使用下面的命令行运行构建,但每次都有一个提示,这会引起麻烦。 I have to address this manually and cannot run automated builds. 我必须手动解决此问题,无法运行自动构建。

$currentScriptPath = (pwd).Path
$solution = "$($currentScriptPath)\foobar_Msi.sln"
$project = "$($currentScriptPath)\foobarSetup\foobarSetup.vdproj"
$BuildLog = "$($currentScriptPath)\buildlog.txt"
$devEnvCom = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.com"
$devEnvExe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
$PackagePath = "$($currentScriptPath)\ReleasePackage"
& $devEnvCom $solution /project $project /Build release /Out $BuildLog

An error occured when applying the IIS Express settings to server URL ' http://localhost:2943/ ' for project 'Foobar.UI'. 将IIS Express设置应用于项目“Foobar.UI”的服务器URL“ http:// localhost:2943 / ”时发生错误。 You may have to manually edit the applicationHost.config file and make the changes for your site to run correctly 您可能必须手动编辑applicationHost.config文件,并使您的站点的更改能够正确运行

I cleared IISAppsettings in document, tried non-interactive command line arguments, changed the binding in build servers applicationHost.Config file and nothing works. 我在文档中清除了IISAppsettings,尝试了非交互式命令行参数,更改了构建服务器applicationHost.Config文件中的绑定,但没有任何作用。

On your development machine, copy/move the solution to a local path that exactly matches the one it will be in when the automated build is run. 在开发计算机上,将解决方案复制/移动到与运行自动构建时完全匹配的本地路径。 Open the solution in Visual Studio 2012, Save All, and add the hidden [solution path].VS\\applicationHost.config to source control. 在Visual Studio 2012中打开解决方案,全部保存,并将隐藏的[solution path].VS\\applicationHost.config到源代码管理。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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