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[英]How to dynamically allocate memory for an array of structs

I am fairly new to C, and am having trouble figuring out how to allocate contiguous memory to an array of structs. 我对C相当陌生,并且在弄清楚如何将连续内存分配给结构数组时遇到麻烦。 In this assignment, we are given a shell of the code, and have to fill in the rest. 在此分配中,我们获得了代码的外壳,并且必须填写其余部分。 Thus, I cannot change the variable names or function prototypes. 因此,我无法更改变量名称或函数原型。 This is what has been given to me: 这是给我的:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

struct student {
    int id;
    int score;

struct student *allocate() {
    /* Allocate memory for ten students */
    /* return the pointer */

int main() {
    struct student *stud = allocate();

    return 0;

I'm just not sure how to go about doing what those comments say in the allocate function. 我只是不确定如何去做那些评论在分配功能。

The simplest way to allocate and initialize the array is this: 分配和初始化数组的最简单方法是:

struct student *allocate(void) {
    /* Allocate and initialize memory for ten students */
    return calloc(10, sizeof(struct student));

Notes: 笔记:

  • calloc() , unlike malloc() initializes the memory block to all bits zero. calloc()malloc()不同,将内存块初始化为所有零位。 Hence the fields id and score of all elements in the array are initialized to 0 . 因此,将数组中所有元素的字段idscore初始化为0
  • It would be a good idea to pass the number of students as an argument to the function allocate() . 将学生人数作为参数传递给函数allocate()是一个好主意。
  • It is considered good style to free() allocated memory when you no longer need it. 当您不再需要free()分配的内存时,这是一种很好的样式。 Your instructor did not hint that you should call free(stud); 您的老师没有暗示您应该拨打free(stud);电话free(stud); before returning from main() : while not strictly necessary (all memory allocated by the program is reclaimed by the system when the program exits), it is a good habit to take and makes it easier to locate memory leaks in larger programs. main()返回之前:尽管不是绝对必要的(程序退出时,程序分配的所有内存都会被系统回收),但是这是一个好习惯,可以使较大程序中的内存泄漏更容易找到。

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