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如何计算 APK 中的方法调用? (使用 .smali 格式)

[英]How can I count method calls inside APK? (using .smali format)

I am trying to develop a tool that basically analyses an Android app APK and counts the number of calls to a specific API method (eg, android.app.AlarmManager.set() )我正在尝试开发一种工具,该工具基本上可以分析 Android 应用程序 APK 并计算对特定 API 方法(例如android.app.AlarmManager.set() )的调用次数

1. What approach do you recommend? 1. 你推荐什么方法?

So far I have used APKTool and now I have .smali files.到目前为止,我已经使用了APKTool ,现在我有了.smali文件。 However, for the same java source, I can have multiple files:但是,对于同一个java源,我可以有多个文件:

  • ExportAsyncTask$1.smali
  • ExportAsyncTask$2.smali
  • ExportAsyncTask$3.smali
  • ExportAsyncTask$4.smali

2. What do these multiple files mean? 2. 这些多个文件是什么意思?

3. The resulting .smali files also include external libraries that I would like to leave out the analysis. 3. 生成的.smali文件还包括我想忽略分析的外部库。 How can I do that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

1. What approach do you recommend? 1. 你推荐什么方法?

Yes, Apktool can be used for your task.是的,Apktool 可用于您的任务。 Each java class in the APK will be represented by a .smali file in directories tree representing the packages. APK 中的每个java类都将由代表包的目录树中的.smali文件表示。 Smali - is the Android Virtual Machine language. Smali - 是 Android 虚拟机语言。 The language is much simpler than Java and hence easier for analysis.该语言比 Java 简单得多,因此更易于分析。 In your case you should search for invoke opcodes and Landroid/app/AlarmManager;->set strings.在您的情况下,您应该搜索invoke操作码和Landroid/app/AlarmManager;->set字符串。 If you are working in Linux, you can for example grep and count them.如果您在 Linux 中工作,您可以例如grep并计算它们。 In Windows you have text editors like Notepad++ that allow text search in multiple files.在 Windows 中,您有像 Notepad++ 这样的文本编辑器,可以在多个文件中进行文本搜索。

2. What do these multiple files mean? 2. 这些多个文件是什么意思?

In Java there are internal classes and implicit internal classes.在 Java 中有内部类和隐式内部类。 The former will appear in OutherClass$InnerClass.smali and the later, having no name of its own, get numbers, like OuterClass$1.smali .前者将出现在OutherClass$InnerClass.smali ,而后者则没有自己的名字,获取数字,如OuterClass$1.smali You sometimes even get more deep levels like a$b$c$1.smali .您有时甚至会获得更深的级别,例如a$b$c$1.smali

3. The resulting .smali files also include external libraries that I would like to leave out the analysis. 3. 生成的 .smali 文件还包括我想忽略分析的外部库。 How can I do that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

You have no precise way to do that.你没有确切的方法来做到这一点。 But generally speaking, when you look at the packages/directory tree of many samples you usually grasp the pattern.但一般来说,当您查看许多示例的包/目录树时,您通常会掌握模式。 Eg usually application code is in com.* package and android.* , org.* and uk.* include libraries.例如,通常应用程序代码在com.*包中,而android.*org.*uk.*包含库。 After such inspection you simply exclude those directories from your search.经过这样的检查,您只需从搜索中排除这些目录。

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