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[英]Unit Test a Node.js application with Mocha, Chai, and Sinon

I am new to unit testing Node.js application. 我是单元测试Node.js应用程序的新手。 My application converts CSV file to JSON after some filtering. 经过过滤,我的应用程序将CSV文件转换为JSON。

var fs = require('fs');
var readline = require('readline');

module.exports = ((year) => {
if (typeof year !== "number" || isNaN(year)){
    throw new Error("Not a number");
var rlEmitter = readline.createInterface({
  input: fs.createReadStream('./datasmall.csv'),
  output: fs.createWriteStream('./data.json')

rlEmitter.on('line', function(line) {
   /*Filter CSV line by line*/
rlEmitter.on('close', function() {
   /*Write to JSON*/

I want to unit test the code, particularly using Sinon spy, stub, and mock. 我想对代码进行单元测试,尤其是使用Sinon间谍程序,存根和模拟程序。 For example spy that createInterface, and the callback for the "close" event is called only once. 例如,侦探createInterface和“ close”事件的回调仅被调用一次。 Similarly, the callback for the "line" event is called that number of times corresponding to the number of lines in the csv. 类似地,“行”事件的回调被称为与csv中的行数相对应的次数。 Also, how to mock the CSV if it's not present during development time? 另外,如果在开发期间不存在CSV,该如何模拟它呢?

One test I tried is, but not sure if this is the right way: 我尝试过的一种测试是,但不确定这是否正确:

describe("Test createInterface method of readline", function(err){
    it("should be called only once", function() {
        var spyCreateInterface = sinon.spy(readline, 'createInterface');

Additional suggestion on proper unit test to make this code robust will be highly appreciated. 我们将高度赞赏有关适当的单元测试以使该代码更健壮的其他建议。

As you're trying to test a module that's require d by your module, you may wish to use something like rewire to "rewire" the require call. 在尝试测试模块所require的模块时,您可能希望使用诸如rewire之类的方法来“重新布线” require调用。

var rewire = require("rewire");
var sinon = require("sinon");
var myModule = rewire("path/to/module");

describe("Test createInterface method of readline", function(err){
  it("should be called only once", function() {
    var readlineStub = sinon.stub();
    myModule.__set__("readline", readlineStub);

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