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大数据集和SQL Server

[英]Large data sets and sql server

I have some devices which will log data to table each seconds.Each device will have 16 records per second, As the number of devices grow large the table will have billions of records, Now I'm using sql server, some times a simple record count query itself takes seconds to execute. 我有一些设备会每秒将数据记录到表中。每个设备每秒将有16条记录,随着设备数量的增加,表将具有数十亿条记录,现在我使用的是sql server,有时是一条简单的记录count查询本身需要几秒钟才能执行。

There are situation where we need historical data mostly as average of data in hour so we were processing large data each hour and converting it into hourly data so there will be only 16 records for a device in an hour but now there is a requirement to get all records between some time ranges and process it so we need to access big data. 在某些情况下,我们需要历史数据作为小时的平均数据,因此我们每小时要处理大量数据并将其转换为小时数据,因此一小时内一个设备只有16条记录,但现在需要获取在某个时间范围内的所有记录并对其进行处理,因此我们需要访问大数据。

currently I use sql server, Can you please suggest some alternative methods or how to deal with big data in sql server or some other db. 当前我使用的是sql server,能否请您提出一些替代方法或如何处理sql server或其他数据库中的大数据。

I don't think that's too much for SQL Server. 我认为对于SQL Server而言,这并不过分。 For starters, please see the links below. 对于初学者,请参见下面的链接。

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff647793.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/ff647793.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

http://sqlmag.com/sql-server-2008/top-10-sql-server-performance-tuning-tips http://sqlmag.com/sql-server-2008/top-10-sql-server-performance-tuning-tips

http://www.tgdaily.com/enterprise/172441-12-tuning-tips-for-better-sql-server-performance http://www.tgdaily.com/enterprise/172441-12-tuning-tips-for-better-sql-server-performance

Make sure your queries are tuned properly and make sure the tables are indexed properly. 确保正确调整查询,并确保对表进行正确索引。

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