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Angular 2 Azure媒体服务视频播放

[英]Angular 2 Azure Media Services Video Playback

I cannot play an Azure Media Services video using Angular. 我无法使用Angular播放Azure Media Services视频。 I have a simple html page that works: 我有一个简单的html页面,可以正常工作:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link href="//amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.3.0/skins/amp-default/azuremediaplayer.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="//amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.3.0/azuremediaplayer.min.js"></script>

<video id="azuremediaplayer" class="azuremediaplayer amp-default-skin amp-big-play-centered" controls autoplay width="640" height="400" poster="" data-setup='{"nativeControlsForTouch": false}' tabindex="0">
        <source src="http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/91492735-c523-432b-ba01-faba6c2206a2/AzureMediaServicesPromo.ism/manifest" type="application/vnd.ms-sstr+xml" />
        <p class="amp-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video</p>

But when I add the exact same video tag to an Angular component, it is just a block box that doesn't play my video. 但是,当我将完全相同的视频标签添加到Angular组件时,它只是一个不播放视频的块框。

I added the following to my index.html page: 我在index.html页面中添加了以下内容:

<link href="//amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.3.0/skins/amp-default/azuremediaplayer.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.3.0/azuremediaplayer.min.js"></script>

And I added the video tag to my component html page: 然后将视频标签添加到我的组件html页面中:

<video id="azuremediaplayer" class="azuremediaplayer amp-default-skin amp-big-play-centered" controls autoplay width="640" height="400" poster="" data-setup='{"nativeControlsForTouch": false}' tabindex="0">
        <source src="http://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/91492735-c523-432b-ba01-faba6c2206a2/AzureMediaServicesPromo.ism/manifest" type="application/vnd.ms-sstr+xml" />
        <p class="amp-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video</p>

It's the simplest possible setup, with only one module and one component, and nothing else on the page. 这是最简单的设置,只有一个模块和一个组件,页面上没有其他内容。 I created the project using Angular's latest quickstart sample, so I should have the latest packages. 我使用Angular的最新快速入门示例创建了该项目,因此我应该拥有最新的软件包。 What am I missing? 我想念什么?

I found the answer to this. 我找到了答案。 I needed to download the typescript definitions file from Microsoft: https://amp.azure.net/libs/amp/latest/docs/ 我需要从Microsoft下载打字稿定义文件: https : //amp.azure.net/libs/amp/latest/docs/

I put this in my typings folder and added a reference path to my video module: 我将其放在我的类型文件夹中,并为视频模块添加了参考路径:

/// <reference path="../../typings/azuremediaplayer.d.ts" />

You still need to add the azure media player lib files to your index.html: 您仍然需要将Azure Media Player库文件添加到index.html中:

<link href="//amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.8.0/skins/amp-default/azuremediaplayer.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//amp.azure.net/libs/amp/1.8.0/azuremediaplayer.min.js"></script>

I have a very simple component that only displays the video. 我有一个非常简单的组件,只显示视频。

The html: 的HTML:

    class="azuremediaplayer amp-default-skin" 
    autoplay controls width="640" height="400" 
    poster="poster.jpg" >
    <p class="amp-no-js">
        To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video

The component code: 组件代码:

import { Component, ElementRef, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

    moduleId: module.id,
    selector: 'my-azure-media-player',
    templateUrl: 'azure-media-player.component.html'
export class AzureMediaPlayerComponent implements OnInit {

    constructor(private elRef: ElementRef) {}

    ngOnInit(): void {

        var myPlayer = amp('vid1');
            type: "application/vnd.ms-sstr+xml",
            src: "//amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/91492735-c523-432b-ba01-faba6c2206a2/AzureMediaServicesPromo.ism/manifest"


From here you can play with the settings. 从这里您可以播放设置。

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