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[英]woocommerce subscriptions: how to create subscription page that is not the “shop”?

im new here and this will be my first question on Stack. 我在这里是新的,这将是我在Stack上的第一个问题。 So i created a template for WP from scratch and installed woocommerce + subscriptions. 因此,我从头开始为WP创建了一个模板,并安装了woocommerce +订阅。 my client wants to have their subscription show on a different page than the default woocommerce shop page. 我的客户希望将其订阅显示在与默认woocommerce商店页面不同的页面上。 Thanks guys for any help! 谢谢大家的帮助!

借助帮助woocommerce产品的简码[product id =” 99”],我们可以创建带有订阅ID的所有订阅页面。

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