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C++ 将参数包传递给类

[英]C++ passing parameter pack to class

I'd like to have a class that gets in it's Ctor unlimited parameters of the same type, and stores them into a vector.我想要一个类,它可以获取相同类型的 Ctor 无限参数,并将它们存储到一个向量中。 It should look like that:它应该是这样的:

class A(int a, int b, **N time parameter of type T**)
: data(**vector will get N times type T**)

vector<T> data;

How should I implement it?我应该如何实施它? Solution could be in c++11/14 I got a few errors such as "parameter packs not expanded with '…' ", etc..解决方案可能是在 c++11/14 中,我收到了一些错误,例如“参数包未使用 '...' 扩展”等。

This code sample might be useful:此代码示例可能有用:

#include <vector>
#include <utility>

template<typename T>
class MyClass {
    template<typename ...Args>
    MyClass(int a, int b, Args&& ...args) :data{ std::forward<Args>(args)... } {}
    std::vector<T> data;

int main() {
    MyClass<char> sample(1, 2, 'a', 'b');
    return 0;

[EDIT]: Added std::forward, added missing include for utility [编辑]:添加了 std::forward,为实用程序添加了缺失的包含

Assuming that T could be anything, even something quite large or non-copyable, we'd want to:假设 T 可以是任何东西,甚至是非常大或不可复制的东西,我们想要:

  1. preserve efficiency with perfect forwarding.通过完美转发保持效率。

  2. check types.检查类型。

std::initializer_list satisfies 2 but not 1. std::initializer_list满足 2 但不满足 1。

Simple variadic template expansion satisfies 1 and not 2.简单的可变参数模板扩展满足 1 而不是 2。

This solution uses variadic template expansion and enable_if to enforce type compatibility.此解决方案使用可变参数模板扩展和enable_if来强制类型兼容性。

#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <string>

namespace detail
    constexpr bool all()
        return true;

    constexpr bool all(bool b, Rest...rest)
        return b and all(rest...);


template<class T>
class A
    using value_type = T;  // say

            std::enable_if_t<detail::all(std::is_convertible<Rest, value_type>::value...)>* = nullptr>
    A(int a, int b, Rest&&...rest)
            : a_(a), b_(b)

    template<class Tuple, std::size_t...Is>
    void fill(Tuple&& t, std::index_sequence<Is...> seq)
        using expand = int[];
        void(expand{ 0,
                     (data_.push_back(std::move(std::get<Is>(t))), 0)...
    int a_, b_;
    std::vector<value_type> data_;

int main()
    using namespace std::literals;

    auto a = A<double>(1, 2, 4.3, 5.5, 6.6);

    auto b = A<std::string>(1, 2, "the", "cat"s, "sat on the mat");

    // error: no matching constructor...
//    auto err = A<std::string>(1, 2, "the", "cat"s, 0.1);


Here you go:干得好:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

template<class T>
struct V
    V(int n, std::initializer_list<T> l)
        : data(l)
        (void) n;

    std::vector<T> data;

int main()
    V<int> v(0,{1,2,3});

This is not a perfect example since one needs to construct an object with the weird syntax (n, {optional, arguments, of, same, type}) but it does provide wanted behavior.这不是一个完美的例子,因为需要用奇怪的语法(n, {optional, arguments, of, same, type})构造一个对象,但它确实提供了想要的行为。

The following example is similar to fr3nzy90's, but with the coming C++17 it will allow automatic deduction of T from the constructor arguments:下面的例子类似于 fr3nzy90 的,但随着即将到来的 C++17,它将允许从构造函数参数中自动推导出T

template <class T>
class MyContainer {
    std::vector<T> data;

    // Take the first T value explicitly so it can be used to deduce
    // T from the constructor arguments (C++17 feature).
    template <class... Ts>
    MyContainer(int a, int b, T const & tval, Ts const &... tvals) :
      data{tval, tvals...} {

    // Special case, empty list, no implicit type deduction, because
    // there is no T value to deduce it from.
    MyContainer(int a, int b) {

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