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无法在react app中的组件之间成功路由

[英]can't route successfully between components in react app

I have a static react app (that means there is not server side rendering) located under example.com/web-class.gr . 我有一个静态反应应用程序(这意味着没有服务器端呈现)位于example.com/web-class.gr下。 My problem is that I can't route between components when I use my sidebar menu. 我的问题是,当我使用侧边栏菜单时,我无法在组件之间进行路由。

For instance. 例如。 When I navigate to example.com/web-class.gr/css-intermediate the page loads as expected. 当我导航到example.com/web-class.gr/css-intermediate ,页面按预期加载。 From now on if I navigate to different lessonName the page is loading as expected. 从现在开始,如果我导航到不同的lessonName ,页面将按预期加载。 But I also have exercises, which I can't load when I press the corresponding button in my menu. 但我也有练习,当我按下菜单中的相应按钮时无法加载。 To get an idea this is my index.js file: 要知道这是我的index.js文件:

import React from 'react';
import { Link as ReactLink } from 'react-router';
import sidebarStore from './Sidebar/SidebarStore';
import lessonValues from '../../lessonValues';
import LessonStore from '../../LessonStore';
import SidebarLink from './Sidebar/SidebarLink';

export default class Sidebar extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      SidebarIsCollapse: sidebarStore.getCurrentState()
    this.NavMdPlaceholderClass = 'hidden-xs col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-3';

  componentWillMount() {
    sidebarStore.on('change', () => {
      this.setState({ SidebarIsCollapse: sidebarStore.getCurrentState() });

  ChangeSidebarState() {
    const NAV_DefaultClasses = "col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-3 ";
    if (this.state.SidebarIsCollapse) {
      this.NavMdPlaceholderClass = NAV_DefaultClasses + "slideInLeft";
    } else {
      this.NavMdPlaceholderClass = NAV_DefaultClasses + "slideOffLeft";

  RenderMainMenu() {
    this.main_menu = [];
    for (let link of lessonValues) {
      let { Id, url, isExercise, title } = link;
      this.main_menu.push(<SidebarLink key={Id} url={url} isExercise={isExercise} title={title}/>);

  render() {
    return (
      <div class={this.NavMdPlaceholderClass} id="nav-md-placeholder">
        <nav id="sidebar">
          <ul id="main-menu">
            <li class="ripple-btn">
                <ReactLink to="/" onClick={this.SetLessonDetails.bind(this)}>
                  <span class="item-align-fix">
                    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home" style={{'marginRight': '10px'}}></i>


here is the SidebarLink component file: 这是SidebarLink组件文件:

import React from 'react';
import LessonStore from '../../../LessonStore';
import { Link as ReactLink } from 'react-router';

export default class SidebarLink extends React.Component {
  SetPageTitle() {

  render() {
    let glyphoconType = 'glyphicon ';
    glyphoconType += this.props.isExercise ? 'glyphicon-pencil' : 'glyphicon-ok-sign';
    glyphoconType += ' nav-ico untaken-lesson';

    return (
      <li class="ripple-btn">
        <ReactLink to={this.props.url} onClick={() => this.SetPageTitle()} >
          <span class="item-align-fix">
            <i class={glyphoconType}></i>

But if I refresh the page manually, I am able to reveal the exercise page. 但是,如果我手动刷新页面,我可以显示练习页面。 But now I can't navigate to any other element. 但现在我无法导航到任何其他元素。 Only if I click it in sidebar menu and manually refresh the page. 仅当我在侧边栏菜单中单击它并手动刷新页面时。

To sum up: 总结一下:

  • The lessons are loading dynamically. 课程是动态加载的。 I can navigate between them. 我可以在他们之间导航。
  • I can't navigate to exercises. 我无法导航练习。 Only if I click the corresponding exercise and hit the refresh button. 只有当我单击相应的练习并点击刷新按钮时。
  • If I'm viewing an exercise (eg exercise-1 ), I am not able to navigate to any other component. 如果我正在观看练习(例如exercise-1 ),我无法导航到任何其他组件。

I use nginx and below is my rule for the project: 我使用nginx ,以下是我的项目规则:

location ^~ /web-class.gr/ {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
        if (!-e $request_filename){
            rewrite ^(.*)$ /web-class.gr/index.html break;

And lastly here is my sidebar component: 最后这是我的侧边栏组件:

import React from 'react';
import { Link as ReactLink } from 'react-router';
import sidebarStore from './Sidebar/SidebarStore';
import lessonValues from '../../lessonValues';
import LessonStore from '../../LessonStore';
import SidebarLink from './Sidebar/SidebarLink';

// some other helper functions here

  render() {
    return (
      <div class={this.NavMdPlaceholderClass} id="nav-md-placeholder">
        <nav id="sidebar">
          <ul id="main-menu">
            <li class="ripple-btn">
                <ReactLink to="/web-class.gr/" onClick={this.SetLessonDetails.bind(this)}>
                  <span class="item-align-fix">
                    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home" style={{'marginRight': '10px'}}></i>


Is there any problem with ReactLink to ? ReactLink to有什么问题吗? On my apache machine all works as expected. 在我的apache机器上,所有工作都按预期工作。 I can't figure out why my program breaks. 我无法弄清楚为什么我的程序会中断。

Update 更新

I provide the link of the site to help your job become easier. 我提供网站的链接,以帮助您的工作变得更容易。 The site is in greek although I believe you can understand it's structure. 该网站在希腊,虽然我相信你可以理解它的结构。

web-class.gr web-class.gr

Code on Github Github上的代码

This One worked For me 这一个对我有用


for React Router 用于React路由器

use <BrowserRouter> tag only once to enclose the whole of your application. 仅使用<BrowserRouter>标记一次以包含整个应用程序。

Use this tag at the point of Rendering. 在渲染点使用此标记。

For Example 例如

If you are using Create-React-app .Use this at your Index.js file 如果您使用的是Create-React-app 。请在Index.js文件中使用


Second Update: 第二次更新:

Change your render code in react/index.js to react/index.js 渲染代码更改为

  <Router history={browserHistory} >
    <Route path="/" component={Layout} >
      <IndexRoute component={Index} ></IndexRoute>
      <Route path="/exercise-1" name="exercise-1" component={Exercise1} ></Route>
      <Route path="/exercise-2" name="exercise-2" component={Exercise2} ></Route>
      <Route path="/exercise-3" name="exercise-3" component={Exercise3} ></Route>
      <Route path="/exercise-4" name="exercise-4" component={Exercise4} ></Route>
      <Route path="/exercise-5" name="exercise-5" component={Exercise5} ></Route>
      <Route path="/exercise-6" name="exercise-6" component={Exercise6} ></Route>
      <Route path="/:lessonName" name="lesson" component={Lesson} ></Route>
      <Route path=":lessonName" name="lesson" component={Lesson} ></Route>

i..e the path starts with / 我......路径以/开头

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