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[英]Filter Observables before subscribing angular2

I have data like the one below in my mongoDB and I retrieve calling the service and later subscribing to it. 我的mongoDB中有类似下面的数据,我检索了调用服务并随后订阅该服务。 But I want to filter the before subcribing to it in a way that i just subscribe to the filtered data base on my condition. 但是我想在订阅它之前过滤,以便我只根据自己的条件订阅过滤后的数据库。 I want to filtered verifying that one of the camps in the data from the backend matches the "this.idcalbuscador". 我想过滤验证后端数据中的一个营地是否匹配“ this.idcalbuscador”。 (See the .filter()). (请参阅.filter())。 I haven't been able to achieve this, could anyone help? 我无法实现这一目标,有人可以帮忙吗? Just new to observables 刚开始是可观察的

Data 数据

    "_id" : ObjectId("588850b746f8ce140c1fe8cf"),
    "idpertenalcalendario" : ObjectId("5885bfe452c6ba1d50f37f19"),
    "enabled" : true,
    "forma" : "Rombo",
    "color" : "Red",
    "type" : "point",
    "descrip" : "ghghghgh",
    "startDate" : "2017-01-15",
    "nameHito" : "gjgjgjgg",


//retrieve the datas  

    .filter(resp => resp.idpertenalcalendario === this.idcalbuscador )
    .subscribe(hito1 =>{
        if (typeof this.nom_cal1 === "undefined"){
            swal("Atencion!", "Busca un calendario con el buscador del Side Menu")
        }else {
            drawtimeline1_1(this.hito1, this.nom_cal1);

The filter function is not called for every item in your array, like it is for instance in Java's stream API. 并非针对数组中的每个项目都调用filter函数,就像Java的流API中那样。 It is called for a single emittance of the Observable. 它被称为Observable的单个发射。 That means the resp you work with in the filter function contains the array and not a single hito . 这意味着您在filter函数中使用的resp包含数组而不是单个hito That's why the following comparison will always return false: 这就是为什么以下比较将始终返回false的原因:

resp.idpertenalcalendario === this.idcalbuscador

This is, at least, what I'd expect according to the names: getHitos returns an array of Hito . 至少这是我根据名称期望的结果: getHitos返回一个Hito数组。 But Pierre Duc is right, it depends on your actual implementation. 但是Pierre Duc是正确的,这取决于您的实际实现。

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