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使用VBA for Excel在UDF中输入的名称无效

[英]Invalid name entered in UDF with VBA for Excel

I am making a simple UDF that checks if a given country is a member of the OECD. 我正在制作一个简单的UDF,用于检查给定国家/地区是否是OECD成员。 I have two inputs: 我有两个输入:

  1. Excel cell containing the name of the country 包含国家/地区名称的Excel单元格

  2. Input containing the first cell of a column containing all the OECD countries. 输入包含包含所有OECD国家的列的第一个单元格。

The function compares the content of the cell Candidate and of the column of countries via a loop. 该功能通过循环比较单元格Candidatecountries列的内容。 If the candidate name does not match with any of the OECD countries, in the end the function classifies it as a non-OECD country. 如果候选人名称与任何经合组织国家都不匹配,最后该功能会将其归类为非经合组织国家。

My code is like this: 我的代码是这样的:

Function OECD(Candidate, Countries)
    Dim Candidate As String
    Dim Countries As String
    OECDCountry = Countries 'Variable that changes at every iteration, I compare the name of the candidate to this
    For i = 1 To 34     
        If Candidate.Value = OECDCountry Then
            OECD = 2                 
        Else: OECDCountry = Countries.Offset(i, 0)
    Next i

'If the column next to the candidate name, where I am running this function, is still empty, record the country as non-OECD

    If Candidate.Offset(0, 1) <> 2 Then OECD = 1                
End Function

However, when I try to use the function, I receive the following error message while selecting the second input: 但是,当我尝试使用该功能时,在选择第二个输入时收到以下错误消息:

The name that you entered is not valid. 您输入的名称无效。 Reasons for this can include: 原因可能包括:

-The name does not begin with a letter or an underscore -名称不能以字母或下划线开头

-The name contains a space or other invalid characters -名称包含空格或其他无效字符

-The name conflicts with an Excel built-in name or the name of another object in the workbook -名称与Excel内置名称或工作簿中另一个对象的名称冲突

Why do I receive this error message and how can I fix it? 为什么会收到此错误消息,我该如何解决?

Well, I must say that I think that the OECD countries is an example of static data in that it does not change very often. 好吧,我必须说,我认为经合组织国家是静态数据的一个例子,因为它不会经常改变。 I would store the data on a sheet somewhere and then upon first request read it into a cache using a Scripting.Dictionary and then one can use the Exists method. 我将数据存储在某个地方的工作表上,然后在第一次请求时使用Scripting.Dictionary将其读入缓存,然后可以使用Exists方法。 Here is my solution 这是我的解决方案

Option Explicit

Private mdicRunTimeCacheOECDCountries As Scripting.Dictionary

Sub DevTimeSetup_RunOnce()

    ' ___          _____ _           ___      _               ___           ___
    '|   \ _____ _|_   _(_)_ __  ___/ __| ___| |_ _  _ _ __  | _ \_  _ _ _ / _ \ _ _  __ ___
    '| |) / -_) V / | | | | '  \/ -_)__ \/ -_)  _| || | '_ \ |   / || | ' \ (_) | ' \/ _/ -_)
    '|___/\___|\_/  |_| |_|_|_|_\___|___/\___|\__|\_,_| .__/_|_|_\\_,_|_||_\___/|_||_\__\___|
    '                                                 |_| |___|                                           http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
    '* just some code to set up a sheet with some data as OP supplied none
    '* so that anyone can play with this problem
    Dim rngOECD As Excel.Range
    Set rngOECD = Sheet1.Range(Sheet1.Cells(1, 1), Sheet1.Cells(7, 1))
    rngOECD.Value2 = [{"USA";"UK";"Germany";"France";"Italy";"Japan";"Canada"}] 'not full OECD, just G7
    rngOECD.Name = "OECDCountries"

End Sub

Private Function GetRunTimeCacheOECDCountries() As Scripting.Dictionary
    If mdicRunTimeCacheOECDCountries Is Nothing Then
        Set mdicRunTimeCacheOECDCountries = New Scripting.Dictionary

        Dim rngOECD As Excel.Range
        Set rngOECD = Sheet1.Range("OECDCountries")

        Dim rngLoop As Excel.Range
        For Each rngLoop In rngOECD
            mdicRunTimeCacheOECDCountries.Add rngLoop.Value2, 0

    End If
    Set GetRunTimeCacheOECDCountries = mdicRunTimeCacheOECDCountries
End Function

Public Function OECD(Candidate) As Long
    OECD = VBA.IIf(GetRunTimeCacheOECDCountries.Exists(Candidate), 1, 0)
End Function

and call from worksheet with a cell formula like this 并使用这样的单元格公式从工作表中调用


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