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I am reading about HATEOAS in API response, so I have this case, the user will hit this URL first 我正在阅读有关API响应中的HATEOAS的信息,因此我遇到了这种情况,用户将首先点击该URL

  1. /payments, this URL will return a list of allowed payment methods, and I am thinking to return a links key which contains the endpoints of those allowed payment methods, but those links need a params should be build/filled by the integrator, is it valid to return HATEOAS in this case, the links are using GET verb. / payments,此URL将返回允许的付款方式的列表,我正在考虑返回一个链接键,其中包含那些允许的付款方式的端点,但是那些需要参数的链接应该由集成商构建/填充。在这种情况下有效返回HATEOAS,链接使用的是GET动词。

Thank you, 谢谢,

is it valid to return HATEOAS in this case, the links are using GET verb. 在这种情况下返回HATEOAS是否有效,链接使用的是GET动词。

HATEOAS: your guiding principle is "how would I do it in web pages?" HATEOAS:您的指导原则是“我将如何在网页上进行?”

In your case, a simple implementation might be that you have a /payments page, and a number of links (pay with paypal, pay by credit card, etc). 在您的情况下,一个简单的实现可能是您有一个/ payments页面,并且有许多链接(使用paypal进行支付,使用信用卡进行支付等)。 Each of those links would GET a new web page that had a form on it, that would show the consumer what information was required for that type of payment. 这些链接中的每个链接都会GET一个新的网页,上面有一个表格,该表格将向消费者显示该类型的付款需要哪些信息。 Those forms might immediately submit the payment (which would probably be a POST, with the form arguments in the content body), or they would link to a confirmation page (GET, with the form arguments appearing as query parameters), which would show the user a summary of the payment, with a confirm button that would do the POST as before. 这些表单可能会立即提交付款(可能是POST,内容正文中带有表单参数),或者会链接到确认页面(GET,表单参数显示为查询参数),该页面将显示向用户提供付款摘要,并带有一个确认按钮,该按钮将像以前一样执行POST。

Building a REST api with HATEOAS is the same thing, designed for an program, rather than a person, to consume. 使用HATEOAS构建REST api是同一件事,旨在供程序而非个人使用。 So your links key would contain endpoints for the forms of the allowed payment methods, and those forms would appear with a links key that connects the form to the payment methods. 因此,您的链接键将包含允许的付款方式形式的端点,并且这些表格将带有将表格连接到付款方式的链接键。

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