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[英]Accessing feature importance in XGBoost version 0.6 (Python)

I'm trying to to get the feature importance for my xgboost model but I'm always getting this error: 我正在尝试获取我的xgboost模型的功能重要性,但我总是遇到此错误:

AttributeError: 'XGBModel' object has no attribute 'feature_importances_'

I read that this might be a versioning issue, but I installed this in late December 2016 and I believe this is the version that supposedly fixed this problem. 我读到这可能是版本控制问题,但是我在2016年12月下旬安装了该版本,我相信这是应该解决此问题的版本。

Can anyone help me get the feature importances? 谁能帮助我了解功能的重要性?

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xgboost as xgb
print "XGB Version: " + str(xgb.__version__)

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,1000,size=(1000, 5)), columns=list('ABCDE'))

x = df.ix[:,0:4]
y = df.ix[:,4]

mod = xgb.XGBModel()
mod.fit (x,y)



Nothing wrong, it work perfect 没错,它工作完美

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