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Ionic2 iOS白屏死机

[英]Ionic2 iOS white screen of death

I have an Ionic2 application that runs on android and browser without a problem but gives white screen of death when running on ios. 我有一个Ionic2应用程序,可以在android和浏览器上正常运行,但是在ios上运行时却出现白屏死机。 Unfortunately I don't have any apple product here so what are my options to know what is causing this? 不幸的是,我这里没有任何苹果产品,所以我有什么选择知道是什么原因引起的?

I've tried to run the app in safari for windows. 我尝试在Windows的safari中运行该应用程序。 It throws errors but the last safari for windows is 5.1.7, so I think it's just too old to run this. 它会引发错误,但是Windows的最后一个Safari是5.1.7,所以我认为它太旧了,无法运行它。

The customer tries to run my application on iOS 8.4.1. 客户尝试在iOS 8.4.1上运行我的应用程序。 Can I set some properties for typescript or cordova to generate code that this version is able to run? 我可以为打字稿或cordova设置一些属性以生成该版本能够运行的代码吗?

Here is a log from the device: http://pastebin.com/AeChDngK 这是来自设备的日志: http : //pastebin.com/AeChDngK

I think The error is clear 我认为错误很明显

2017-01-26 13:54:44.632: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch APNS token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=1001 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.firebase.iid error 1001.)"

You can get the answer from this question 你可以从这个问题中得到答案

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