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[英]How do I read a docker environment variable within a js script?

I have a react app hosted on a node docker container. 我在节点docker容器上托管了一个React应用程序。 I run it and pass it an environment variable 我运行它并将其传递给环境变量

 docker run -t -e "ADMIN_HOST_ENV=http://myapp.app:443/api" -p 3000:3000 "myapp"

How can I get that "ADMIN_HOST_ENV" environment variable within the app? 如何在应用程序中获取该“ ADMIN_HOST_ENV”环境变量?

If this is just about the node backend, there's already a question with a answer: Read environment variables in Node.js 如果这仅与节点后端有关,那么已经有一个问题和答案: 在Node.js中读取环境变量

On the frontend, you'll have several options to get at it, create an endpoint to get it, write it to a .js file that's referenced by the frontend, pass it up as a cookie, keep it backend side and only reference it when you hit the backend, etc. 在前端,您将有多种选择来实现它,创建一个端点来获取它,将其写入前端引用的.js文件,将其作为cookie传递,保留在后端,仅引用它当您点击后端时,等等。

I check environment variables when I run my server, write them to an environment.js, and then reference that environment.js in my index.html. 我在运行服务器时检查环境变量,将其写入environment.js,然后在index.html中引用该environment.js。

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