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如何在android studio中点击按钮时从另一个活动更改textview文本?

[英]How to change textview text from another activity on button click in android studio?

I have seen a lot of tutorials that gives answer for this, but I don't get it. 我已经看过很多教程可以为此提供答案,但我不明白。 It isn't working. 它不起作用。 I have a button in MainActivity , that has click listener that does this: 我在MainActivity有一个按钮,它具有执行此操作的单击侦听器:

 Intent i = new Intent(MainActivity.this, DetailsActivity.class);
     i.putExtra("Name", "RESULT");

Another actiivty: 另一个活动:

txtview = (TextView) find.....(R.id.textView1);
Intent i = getIntent();
String str = i.getStringExtra("Name");

I don't use an emulator, I build the apk and then transfer it to my mobile. 我不使用模拟器,我构建apk然后将其传输到我的手机。 So in my mobile when I click the button, it closes and says "The app is not responding" XML: 因此,当我单击按钮时,在我的手机中,它会关闭并显示“应用程序没有响应”XML:

    android:id="@+id/txt" />

Change your TextView id to textView1. 将TextView标识更改为textView1。

findViewById method is returning null beacause there is no TextView with id textView1 findViewById方法返回null,因为没有带有id textView1的TextView


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