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[英]getting the difference between two rows and perform mathematical operation on the difference mysql

My data set for example looks like this例如,我的数据集如下所示


I need to find the difference between two consecutive elements of the same ID and store the value and then again find the difference and multiply the stored value with the new difference all of values with the same ID.我需要找到相同 ID 的两个连续元素之间的差异并存储该值,然后再次找到差异并将存储的值与具有相同 ID 的所有值的新差异相乘。 This must go on till there are elements with the same ID.这必须一直持续到有相同 ID 的元素。 Hence my final data set should looklike因此我的最终数据集应该看起来像


Does anyone have any suggestions how i should go about this using sql有没有人对我应该如何使用 sql 有任何建议

Calculating the differences between consecutive rows -计算连续行之间的差异 -

MariaDB [sandbox]> SELECT T.*,
    -> IF(T.TID <> @P ,@RN:=1,@RN:=@RN+1) RN,
    -> IF(T.TID <> @P ,0, @PVAL) PVAL,
    -> IF(T.TID <> @P ,0, T.VALUE * 1.00 - @PVAL) DIFF,
    -> @P:=T.TID,
    -> @PVAL:=T.VALUE
    -> FROM(SELECT @RN:=0,@P:=0,@PVAL:=0.00,@DIFF:=0.00) RN,T
    -> ORDER BY T.TID,T.dt;
| dt         | TID  | Value | RN   | PVAL | DIFF | @P:=T.TID | @PVAL:=T.VALUE |
| 2017-01-01 |    1 |    10 |    1 | 0    |    0 |         1 |             10 |
| 2017-01-02 |    1 |     3 |    2 | 10   |   -7 |         1 |              3 |
| 2017-01-01 |    2 |     9 |    1 | 0    |    0 |         2 |              9 |
| 2017-01-02 |    2 |    10 |    2 | 9    |    1 |         2 |             10 |
| 2017-01-03 |    2 |    15 |    3 | 10   |    5 |         2 |             15 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

BUT there is no aggregation function in sql (any version as far as I know) that will calculate the product (if that's the right word) of the differences.但是在 sql(据我所知的任何版本)中没有聚合函数可以计算差异的乘积(如果这是正确的词)。 What's more you seem to want to discard the first row for every tid.更重要的是,您似乎想为每个 tid 丢弃第一行。 You could do this by group_concatenating the differences into a table and then calling a stored procedure which initiates a call to dynamic sql (you cannot use dynamic sql in stored functions by the way).您可以通过 group_concatenating 差异到一个表中,然后调用一个存储过程来启动对动态 sql 的调用(顺便说一下,您不能在存储函数中使用动态 sql)。

This stored procedure这个存储过程

drop procedure if exists f;
delimiter //

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` procedure `F`(
    instring varchar(200)

declare   tempstring varchar(100);
declare   outstring  varchar(100);
declare  tempid int;
declare  checkit int;
declare maxrecs int;
set checkit = 0;
set maxrecs = (select count(*) from temp);

looper: while   checkit < maxrecs do
select tid,calc into    tempid,tempstring from temp limit checkit,1; 
set checkit = checkit + 1;  
if instr(tempstring,',')  = 0 then 
    update temp
    set    rsult  = tempstring; 
    set outstring  = replace(tempstring,',','*');
    set outstring  = concat('update temp set rsult = (Select ',outstring,') where tid = ', tempid, ';');
    set @sqlstmt = outstring;
    #select checkit, maxrecs, outstring;
    prepare sqlstmt from @sqlstmt;  
    execute sqlstmt;
    deallocate prepare sqlstmt;
end if;

end while;
end //

delimiter ;

when called in this script produces your desired outcome在此脚本中调用时会产生您想要的结果

*ariaDB [sandbox]> drop table if exists temp;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)

MariaDB [sandbox]> create table temp as
    -> select s.tid,group_concat(s.diff) calc, 1.00 as rsult
    -> from
    -> (
    -> SELECT T.*,
    -> IF(T.TID <> @P ,@RN:=1,@RN:=@RN+1) RN,
    -> IF(T.TID <> @P ,0, @PVAL) PVAL,
    -> IF(T.TID <> @P ,0, T.VALUE * 1.00 - @PVAL) DIFF,
    -> @P:=T.TID,
    -> @PVAL:=T.VALUE
    -> FROM(SELECT @RN:=0,@P:=0,@PVAL:=0.00,@DIFF:=0.00) RN,T
    -> ORDER BY T.TID,T.dt
    -> ) s
    -> where s.rn <> 1
    -> group by s.tid;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.23 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

MariaDB [sandbox]>
MariaDB [sandbox]>
MariaDB [sandbox]> call f('1');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)

MariaDB [sandbox]>
MariaDB [sandbox]> select * from temp;
| tid  | calc      | rsult |
|    1 | -7.00     | -7.00 |
|    2 | 1.00,5.00 |  5.00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)*

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