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如何使用 numpy 翻转这个数组?

[英]How to use numpy to flip this array?

Suppose I have an array like this:假设我有一个这样的数组:

a = array([[[ 29,  29,  27],
            [ 36,  38,  40],
            [ 86,  88,  89]],
           [[200, 200, 198],
            [199, 199, 197]
            [194, 194, 194]]])

and I want to flip the 3rd element from left to right in the list-of-lists so it will become like this:我想在列表列表中从左到右翻转第三个元素,所以它会变成这样:

b = array([[[ 29,  29,  89],     # 27 became 89
            [ 36,  38,  40],
            [ 86,  88,  27]],    # 89 became 27
           [[200, 200, 194],     # 198 became 194
            [199, 199, 197],
            [194, 194, 198]]])   # 194 became 198

I looked up the NumPy manual but I still cannot figure out a solution.我查阅了 NumPy 手册,但仍然找不到解决方案。 .flip and .fliplr look suitable in this case, but how do I use them? .flip.fliplr在这种情况下看起来很合适,但我该如何使用它们?

Index the array to select the sub-array, using:索引数组以选择子数组,使用:

> a[:,:,-1]
array([[198, 197, 194],
       [ 27,  40,  89]])

This selects the last element along the 3rd dimension of a .这将选择沿的第三尺寸的最后一个元素a The sub-array is of shape (2,3) .子数组的形状为(2,3) Then reverse the selection using:然后使用以下方法反转选择:


The second slice, [:,::-1] , takes everything along the first dimension as-is ( [:] ), and all of the elements along the second dimension, but reversed ( [::-1] ).第二个切片[:,::-1]将沿第一个维度的所有内容 ( [:] ) 以及沿第二个维度的所有元素颠倒 ( [::-1] )。 The slice syntax is basically saying start at the first element, go the last element ( [:] ), but do it in the reverse order ( [::-1] ).切片语法基本上是说从第一个元素开始,到最后一个元素 ( [:] ),但以相反的顺序 ( [::-1] ) 执行。 You could pseudo-code write it as [start here : end here : use this step size] .你可以用伪代码把它写成[start here : end here : use this step size] The the -1 tells it walk backwards. -1告诉它向后走。

And assign it to the first slice of the original array.并将其分配给原始数组的第一个切片。 This updates/overwrites the original value of a此更新/覆盖的原始值a

a[:,:,-1] = a[:,:,-1][:,::-1]

> a
array([[[ 29,  29,  89],
        [ 36,  38,  40],
        [ 86,  88,  27]],

       [[200, 200, 194],
        [199, 199, 197],
        [194, 194, 198]]])

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