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[英]Typescript: Is there a way to check if a variable is an interface-defined object with nested properties?

For example: 例如:

interface TEST_OBJECT {
    "test1" : TEST_TYPE;
    "test2" : TEST_INTERFACE

type TEST_TYPE = string|number;

interface TEST_INTERFACE {
    "test3" : boolean;

Is there a way to check if a variable is a TEST_OBJECT? 有没有一种方法可以检查变量是否为TEST_OBJECT?

If you're looking for TypeScript to automatically provide runtime type guards for you, that's not possible. 如果您正在寻找TypeScript为您自动提供运行时类型保护,那是不可能的。 In practice though, the compiler is pretty good at narrowing types for you, depending on how much you know about the object you're inspecting. 但是实际上,编译器非常适合您缩小类型,具体取决于您对所检查对象的了解程度。 For example, say you have something you know is either a TEST_OBJECT or a string : 例如,假设您知道某个东西是TEST_OBJECT或一个string

function hasKey<K extends string>(k: K, x: any): x is Record<K, {}> {
  return k in x;

declare const obj: TEST_OBJECT | string;

if (hasKey("test2", obj)) {
  // it knows that obj is a TEST_OBJECT now
  console.log(obj.test2.test3 === false); 
} else {
  // it knows that obj is a string

If you have no idea what the object you're inspecting might be, then, as @JoshCrozier said, User-Defined Type Guards are probably the way to go. 如果您不知道要检查的对象是什么,那么就像@JoshCrozier所说的那样, 用户定义的类型防护可能是解决方法。 It's possible to build these up the same way you've built up your interfaces and types: 可以按照建立接口和类型的相同方式来建立这些:

function hasKey<K extends string>(k: K, x: any): x is Record<K, {}> {
  return k in x;

function isTEST_INTERFACE(x: any): x is TEST_INTERFACE {
  return hasKey("test3",x) && (typeof x.test3 === 'boolean');

function isTEST_TYPE(x: any): x is TEST_TYPE {
  return (typeof x === 'string') || (typeof x === 'number');

function isTEST_OBJECT(x: any): x is TEST_OBJECT {
  return hasKey("test1", x) && isTEST_TYPE(x.test1) &&
    hasKey("test2", x) && isTEST_INTERFACE(x.test2);

// use it:
declare const obj: TEST_OBJECT | string
if (isTEST_OBJECT(obj)) {
  console.log(obj.test2.test3 === false); 
} else {

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

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