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Odoo / OpenERP:在fields.selection中隐藏一些值

[英]Odoo/OpenERP: Make invisible some values inside a fields.selection

I have a field selection ( fields.selection ) with different values. 我有一个具有不同值的字段selectionfields.selection )。

Some values are only for some automatic action. 某些值仅适用于某些自动操作。 Thus, I would like to make then "invisible" when users can select a value from this selection field. 因此,当用户可以从此选择字段中选择值时,我想使其“不可见”。 Is it possible? 可能吗? I try attrs="{'invisible'} without success. 我尝试了attrs="{'invisible'}但没有成功。

My field: 我的领域:

'titre': fields.selection(
         ('e', 'Email'),
         ('p', 'phone'),
         ('a', 'Automatic Action')

Here is my xml: 这是我的xml:

<field name="titre"/>

I do not believe this functionality exists. 我不相信这个功能存在。 Someone can correct me if I am wrong. 如果我错了,有人可以纠正我。 What you could do however is use a computed select field. 但是,您可以使用计算的选择字段。 You may want to incorporate context variables to determine what select options need to be displayed. 您可能希望合并上下文变量以确定需要显示哪些选项。 This can be accomplished like so. 这可以这样完成。

def _compute_selection(self):
    if True:
        selection_options = [('e', 'Email'), ('p', 'phone'), ('m','Post/Mail')]
        selection_options = [('a', 'Automatic Action')]
    return selection_options

field_name = fields.Selection('_compute_selection', string="Field Name")

Obviously your compute function will have to flesh out the particulars. 显然,你的计算功能必须充实细节。 However basically you will want to compute your selection list rather than define it statically. 但是,基本上您需要计算选择列表而不是静态定义它。

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