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[英]freebsd open source kernel

I am beginner. 我是初学者。 I want install freebsd on VM and test open source world! 我想在VM上安装freebsd并测试开源世界! I want to write a small function and to put it into kernel of OS, and then I want to use it in another program as a system function. 我想编写一个小函数并将其放入OS内核,然后在另一个程序中将其用作系统函数。 I just installed freebsd11 on VM. 我刚刚在VM上安装了freebsd11。 I know a command line environment! 我知道命令行环境! I should use a GUI? 我应该使用GUI吗? Where is kernel? 内核在哪里?

FreeBSD is a wonderful beast once you know all its capabilities, if you want to play with jails , ZFS and build your own kernels , probably this already build image can be a good starting point: https://fabrik.red/post/test/ more info can be found here including scripts about how to create your own images/jails (custom kernel): https://github.com/fabrik-red/images 一旦您了解FreeBSD的所有功能,如果您想使用jailsZFS并构建自己的内核 ,那么FreeBSD就是一个很棒的野兽,可能这个已经构建的映像可以成为一个很好的起点: https : //fabrik.red/post/test /更多信息可以在这里找到,包括有关如何创建自己的图像/监狱(自定义内核)的脚本: https : //github.com/fabrik-red/images

There is no GUI on the images, and maybe you will never need one, unless you want to use FreeBSD as a desktop, but FreeBSD shines more on headless systems (no GUI). 图像上没有GUI,也许除非您想将FreeBSD用作桌面,否则您将永远不需要GUI,但是FreeBSD在无头系统(无GUI)上表现出更多。

Update : 更新

For GUI probably you can give a try to trueos.org or you can install your own Xorg , desk environments 对于GUI,您可以尝试去trueos.org或安装自己的Xorg 桌面环境

Sounds like you should learn a bit more about what the operating system does before trying to modify the kernel. 听起来您应该在尝试修改内核之前更多地了解操作系统的功能。 There are lots of resources about the unix kernels. 关于Unix内核有很多资源。 See the developers handbook, https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/developers-handbook/ or just google and you will find many resources. 请参阅开发人员手册, https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/developers-handbook/或仅使用google,您会发现很多资源。

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