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[英]Bind a value from code behind to datatemplate control in wpf

I'm new to wpf, I created a listbox it will create a dynamic listitems,Here I used datetemplate which contains two controls that is two textblocks, one textblocks contains binding a values form combobox(which is string datatype),The other one is, bind a value from code bind. 我是wpf的新手,我创建了一个列表框,它将创建一个动态列表项,这里我使用datetemplate,其中包含两个控件,这两个控件是两个文本块,一个文本块包含绑定组合表(值是字符串数据类型)的值,另一个是,从代码绑定中绑定一个值。


<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding obj}"   HorizontalContentAlignment="Left"  x:Name="lstbxindex" SelectionMode="Extended" Foreground="White" FontSize="20px" Height="201" BorderBrush="#555555" Margin="80,40,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="282" Background="#555555" >
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="5" >
                <TextBlock Height="40px" Width="80px" Text="{Binding roundedhourvalue, FontSize="24" Background="#555555"  Foreground="White"></TextBlock>
                <TextBlock x:Name="items"  Text="{Binding}" Margin="35,0,0,0"></TextBlock>

C# (Roundedhour.cs) C#(Roundedhour.cs)

public class Roundedhour
    public string hourvalue { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
       return string.Format("{0}", hourvalue);

In this class create a property for hourvalue. 在此类中,为hourvalue创建一个属性。 For this class I created a object in codebehind file which I mentioned below.create a object and assign a value for hourvalue variable. 对于这个类,我在下面提到的代码隐藏文件中创建了一个对象。创建一个对象并为hourvalue变量分配一个值。

C# (Code Behind) C#(后面的代码)

    if (dispatcherTimer1.Interval == TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15))

        string hrvalue = Convert.ToString(hrvalueinitially);  

        obj = new Roundedhour();
        obj.hourvalue = Convert.ToString(hrvalueinitially);

        string roundedhourvalue =obj.hourvalue;

        this.DataContext = this;

        //lblprojectAhr.Content = string.Join(",", hrvalueinitially + "" + "hr");

Here, I created a object for Rounderhour class.Assign values to that property hour value. 在这里,我为Rounderhour类创建了一个对象,将值分配给该属性小时值。 But I cannot be bind a value from codebind to XAML page. 但是我不能将值从codebind绑定到XAML页面。

Your ItemsSource should be of an CollectionType . 您的ItemsSource应该是CollectionType

ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding obj}" 

You should also start to give your variables and properties meaningful names. 您还应该开始给变量和属性赋予有意义的名称。 That makes it easier to read your code later o n. 这使以后阅读代码变得更容易

The second Problem is in your Binding itself. 第二个问题在于Binding本身。

You are binding like this: Text="{Binding roundedhourvalue} 您像这样进行绑定: Text="{Binding roundedhourvalue}

So WPF is expecting a property roundedhourvalue on obj . 因此WPF期望obj的属性roundedhourvalue

But as shown in your CodeBehind there is only obj.hourvalue . 但是,如您的CodeBehind所示,只有obj.hourvalue

So change your Binding to Text="{Binding hourvalue} 因此,将您的Binding更改为Text="{Binding hourvalue}

Check your Output-Window for details. 检查Output-Window以获取详细信息。

NOTE: 注意:

string roundedhourvalue = obj.hourvalue;

has no getter and is not accsessible since its private . 没有getter ,因为它是private ,所以不可控。

NOTE : You either use a Binding OR your set the ItemsSource in CodeBehind. 注意 :您要么使用Binding 选择自己设置的的ItemsSource的代码隐藏。

Try it like this: 像这样尝试:

Just remove all the formatting and stuff: 只需删除所有格式和内容:

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding RoundedHours}" x:Name="ListBox">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="5" >
               <TextBlock Text="{Binding hourvalue}"></TextBlock>                   

And change your code-behind to this: 然后将您的代码更改为此:

    private void UpdateDataContext(object hrvalueinitially)
        List<Roundedhour> hours = new List<Roundedhour>();
        hours.Add(new Roundedhour()
            hourvalue = hrvalueinitially.ToString()

        //Set the ItemsSource in code: => remove your ItemsSource Binding from XAML
        listBox.ItemsSource = hours;

OR your can use an 'MVVM' approach: 或者您可以使用“ MVVM”方法:

    public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        //IMPLEMENT INotifyPropertyChanged HERE PLS

        public ObservableCollection<RoundedHour> Collection { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<RoundedHour>();

        private void AddToCollection(object hrvalueinitially)
            Collection.Add(new RoundedHour()
                hourvalue = hrvalueinitially.ToString()

        //Make sure to set your Windows DataContext to an Instance of this Class

Assign XAML object's "ItemsSource" property with your binding variable. 为XAML对象的“ ItemsSource”属性分配绑定变量。

Also it's totally wrong binding object's itself into object's property like 而且将对象本身绑定到对象的属性中是完全错误的,例如

this.DataTemplate = this;

Use: 采用:

List<yourobject> bindingObjectList = new List<yourobject>();
// insert your objects into the list
this.ItemsSource = bindingObjectList;

Here you can find an example: 在这里您可以找到一个例子:

Grid & Pivot Binding Example for multiple DataTemplates 多个数据模板的网格和数据透视图绑定示例

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