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[英]celery periodic task that executes other celery tasks not working

I have an API which returns a list of other APIs. 我有一个API,它返回其他API的列表。

I need to access these APIs every 15 min and put data returned into a database. 我需要每15分钟访问这些API并将数据返回到数据库中。

The following is what I wrote in celery_worker.py file using celery and redis. 以下是我使用celery和redis在celery_worker.py文件中编写的内容。 But the all tasks does not start. 但是所有任务都没有开始。

list_of_APIs = requests.get(the_api_that_returns_list_of_APIs).json()

    'every-15-minute': {
        'task': 'fetch_data_of_all_APIs',
        'schedule': timedelta(minutes=15),

def access_one_API(one_API):
    return requests.get(one_API).json()

def fetch_data_of_all_APIs():
    for one_API in list_of_APIs:
          task = access_one_API.delay(one_API)
          # some codes to put all task.id into a list_of_task_id

    for task_id in list_of_task_id:
          # some codes to get the results of all tasks
          # some codes to put all the results into a database

The fetch_data_of_all_APIs function should run every 15 minutes which is supposed to use multiple workers to run the access_one_API function fetch_data_of_all_APIs函数应该每15分钟运行一次,这应该使用多个worker来运行access_one_API函数

The celery server starts in the terminal successfully but neither fetch_data_of_all_APIs nor access_one_API starts. celery服务器在终端中成功启动,但fetch_data_of_all_APIsaccess_one_API都没有启动。

If I pull out codes within the fetch_data_of_all_APIs function, the access_one_API can start and be executed by multiple celery workers. 如果我在fetch_data_of_all_APIs函数中提取代码, access_one_API可以由多个芹菜工人启动并执行。 But as soon as I put these codes within a function and decorate it with @celery.task , then both functions do not start. 但是只要我将这些代码放在一个函数中并使用@celery.task装饰,那么这两个函数都不会启动。

So I believe it must have something to do with celery. 所以我认为它必须与芹菜有关。

Many thanks in advance. 提前谢谢了。

Here example how to configure periodic tasks with subtasks in celery(I set 20 seconds for demonstration). 这里的示例如何在芹菜中配置带子任务的周期性任务(我设置20秒进行演示)。 tasks.py: tasks.py:

import celery
from celery.canvas import subtask
from celery.result import AsyncResult
# just for example list of integer values
list_of_APIs = [1, 2, 3, 4]

def access_one_API(api):
    Sum of subtask for demonstration
    :param int api:
    :return: int
    return api + api

 def fetch_data_of_all_APIs(list_of_APIs):
    list_task_ids = []

    for api in list_of_APIs: 
        # run of celery subtask and collect id's of subtasks
        task_id = subtask('access_one_API', args=(api, )).apply_async().id

    result_sub_tasks = {}

    for task_id in list_task_ids:
        while True:
            task_result = AsyncResult(task_id)
            if task_result.status == 'SUCCESS':
                # if subtask is finish add result and check result of next subtask
                result_sub_tasks[task_id] = task_result.result


    print result_sub_tasks
    # do something with results of subtasks here...

app = celery.Celery(

app.conf.beat_schedule = {
    'add-every-20-seconds': {
        'task': 'fetch_data_of_all_APIs',
        'schedule': 20.0,
        # args for fetch_data_of_all_APIs
       'args': (list_of_APIs, )

Run celery: celery worker -A tasks.app --loglevel=info --beat 运行芹菜: celery worker -A tasks.app --loglevel=info --beat

Trace from terminal: 终端跟踪:

[2017-03-14 10:31:36,361: WARNING/PoolWorker-3] {'929996b3-fc86-4274-b3c3-06c38a6d4edd': 6, 'f44456b4-df93-4a78-9f1d-b2c2d2b05322': 4, '4e44fd57-fbbc-43cd-8616-1eafef559417': 8, '6d943f35-0d74-4319-aa02-30a266aa3cd9': 2}

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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