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[英]MongoDB search big data collection

I am trying search through big data collection of objects (1 000 000 000 elements). 我正在尝试搜索对象的大数据集合(1 000000000个元素)。 Sample element looks like this: 示例元素如下所示:

Document{{_id=588e6f317367651f34a06c2c, busId=34, time=1262305558050, createdDate=Sun Jan 29 23:39:42 CET 2017}}

there are busIds from 0 to 300 and time increment about 30 milisecond on each record begins from 从0到300之间有busIds,并且每条记录的时间增量大约从30毫秒开始于

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss"); long startDate = sdf.parse("2010.01.01 00:00:00").getTime();

Now I am looking for all data with this query: 现在,我正在使用此查询查找所有数据:

    BasicDBObject gtQuery = new BasicDBObject();
    List<BasicDBObject> obj = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>();
    obj.add(new BasicDBObject("busId", vehicleId));
    obj.add(new BasicDBObject("time", new BasicDBObject("$gt", startDate.getTime()).append("$lt", endDate.getTime())));
    gtQuery.put("$and", obj);
    FindIterable<Document> curs = collection.find(gtQuery);

gtQuery output: gtQuery输出:

{ "$and" : [ { "busId" : "34"} , { "time" : { "$gt" : 1262304705000 , "$lt" : 1262308305000}}]}

Query is working but in this way it iterates over whole 1 000 000 000 elements in collection. 查询正在工作,但是以此方式遍历集合中的整个1000000000000元素。 Is there any way to do it faster? 有什么办法可以更快地做到这一点?


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