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获取ID ref引用的标签的值

[英]Getting value of tag referenced by id ref

I'm trying to get a value of a tag of an element referenced by idref. 我正在尝试获取idref引用的元素的标签的值。

<ksiazka id="k2">
    <title> title 1 </title>
    <wydawnictwo idref="wyd1"/>

<wyd id="wyd1">
    <name>Zielona Sowa</name>

To get title of < ksiazka > all I have to do is 要获得<ksiazka>的头衔,我要做的就是

<xsl:template match="ksiazka">
    <xsl:value-of select "./title"/>

But how to get < name > out of < wyd >? 但是如何从<wyd>中获取<name>? Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

Ok, I figured out how to do it. 好的,我想出了办法。

<xsl:key name = "wydawnictwoKEY" match= "wyd" use = "@id" />

<xsl:template match="wydawnictwo">
            <xsl:value-of select="key('wydawnictwoKEY', @idref)/name"/>

and then 接着

    <xsl:apply-templates select="wydawnictwo"/>

XSLT has a build-in mechanism to resolve cross-references. XSLT具有内置机制来解决交叉引用。 Start by defining a key at the top level of your stylesheet as: 首先在样式表的顶层定义一个 ,如下所示:

<xsl:key name="pub" match="wyd" use="@id" />

Then you can use: 然后,您可以使用:

<xsl:value-of select="key('pub', wydawnictwo/@idref)/name"/>

to get the corresponding wyd/name from the context of ksiazka . ksiazka的上下文中获取相应的wyd/name

See a demo here: http://xsltransform.net/94AbWBE 在此处查看演示: http : //xsltransform.net/94AbWBE

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