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如何从控制器页面重定向页面? - Nodejs

[英]How to redirect a page from controller page? - Nodejs

Login Controller -登录控制器 -

 var myapp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute']);

    myapp.config(["$routeProvider", function($routeProvider) {

        .when('/addusers', {
            controller: 'addusersctrl',
            templateUrl: '../views/addusers.html'
            redirectTo: '/'


    myapp.controller('loginctrl', ['$scope', '$route', '$http', '$routeParams', '$location', 
                     function($scope, $route, $http, $routeParams, $location) {
        console.log("im a controller");

        $scope.login = function() {

            // $http.post('/login',$scope.user).success(function(response){
            //  console.log(response);
            // });

                  method: 'post',
                  url: '/login',
                  data: $scope.user 
                }).then(function successCallback(response) {
                    // this callback will be called asynchronously
                    // when the response is available
                     console.log('Inside controller');

                    // console.log(response.data+" "+location);
                    //$window.location.href = 'addusers.html';
                    //window.location.href = '/views/addusers.html';
                }, function errorCallback(response) {

                    // called asynchronously if an error occurs
                    // or server returns response with an error status.


        console.log("im a controller");

        $scope.login = function() {

            // $http.post('/login',$scope.user).success(function(response){
            //  console.log(response);
            // });

                  method: 'post',
                  url: '/login',
                  data: $scope.user 
                }).then(function successCallback(response) {
                    // this callback will be called asynchronously
                    // when the response is available

                    //$window.location.href = 'addusers.html';

                }, function errorCallback(response) {

                    // called asynchronously if an error occurs
                    // or server returns response with an error status.


Server.js - Server.js -

     var express = require('express')
        var app = express()
        var mongojs = require('mongojs');
        var db = mongojs('userlogin',['userlogin']);
        var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
        var exphbs = require('express-handlebars');
        var path = require('path');
        var routes = require('./routes/index');
        var users;
        users = require('./routes/users');
        app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
        app.engine('html', exphbs({defaultLayout:'layout'}));
        app.set('view engine', 'html');
        //var Client = require('node-rest-client').Client;
        //var client = new Client();
         var request = require('request');

        app.post('/login',function(req, res){

        // // direct way uncomment this and try to http request

        //  client.post("", function (data, response) {
        //     // parsed response body as js object 
        //     //console.log(data);
        //     // raw response 
        //     console.log(response);
        //     //res.send(response);
        // });

            // this is another method to call client 

            var options = {
                uri : '',
                method : 'post'
            var resss = '';
            request(options, function (error, response, body) {
                if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
                    resss = body;
                else {
                    resss = 'Not Found';


// this is to validate the user

    db.collection('userlogin').findOne({name: req.body.name},       function(err, user) {
                    console.log('inside validation');
                    // In case the user not found   
                    if(!user) {
                      console.log('THIS IS ERROR RESPONSE')
                      res.json("user not found!")
                        console.log('User found '); 

                        if (user.password === req.body.password){
                          console.log('User and password is correct');
                          // alert('inside user login'+res);
                          res.json("login successfully");
                        } else {
                          console.log("Credencials wrong");
                          res.json("wrong password");

            app.use('/', routes);
            app.use('/users', users);

            app.listen(8000, function(){
                console.log("running successfully in 8000");


Whenever we are trying to navigate from login to addusers page, we are getting 404 Page Not Found Error.每当我们尝试从登录导航到 addusers 页面时,我们都会收到 404 Page Not Found 错误。 How to redirect a page from controller page?如何从控制器页面重定向页面?

It is most likely the way you have provided the templateUrl in the route configuration.这很可能是您在路由配置中提供 templateUrl 的方式。 My suggestion would be to figure out your docroot, it is most likely the project folder in case of nodejs and provide a complete path relative to the docroot in the templateUrl and not the "../" style representation.我的建议是找出你的 docroot,它很可能是 nodejs 的项目文件夹,并在 templateUrl 中提供相对于 docroot 的完整路径,而不是“../”样式表示。 What you are trying to do is provide the templateUrl relative to the login controller.您要做的是提供相对于登录控制器的 templateUrl。

For example if your project structure is:例如,如果您的项目结构是:

         |-> js/
         |-> loginPage/    
                |-> views/

Your templateUrl in the routeConfig would be:您在 routeConfig 中的 templateUrl 将是:

myapp.config(["$routeProvider", function($routeProvider) {

    .when('/addusers', {
        controller: 'addusersctrl',
        templateUrl: '/loginPage/views/addusers.html'
        redirectTo: '/'


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