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[英]How can I count the number of all votes per voter?

Here is my table structure : 这是我的表结构

// users
| id |  name  |
| 1  | Jack   |
| 2  | Peter  |
| 3  | John   |
| 4  | Barman |
| 5  | Ali    |

// vote
| voter_id | owner_post_id | post_id |
| 2        | 3             | 1653    |
| 4        | 2             | 1214    |
| 1        | 1             | 4355    |
| 4        | 2             | 6445    |
| 2        | 2             | 5465    |
| 3        | 2             | 5435    |

And here is my current query : 这是我当前的查询

SELECT t2.id AS user_id,
       t2.name AS user_name,
       t3.id AS voter_id,
       t3.name AS voter_name
FROM vote t1
INNER JOIN users t2
    ON t1.owner_post_id = t2.id
INNER JOIN users t3
    ON t1.voter_id = t3.id
WHERE t1.owner_post_id = 2 AND
      t1.voter_id <> t1.owner_post_id

And here is my current output : 这是我当前的输出

| user_id | user_name | voter_id | voter_name |
| 2       | Peter     | 4        | Barman     |
| 2       | Peter     | 4        | Barman     |
| 2       | Peter     | 3        | John       |

Now I want to add one more column to the result which contains the total number of votes per voter. 现在,我想在结果中增加一栏,其中包含每个选民的投票总数。 So this is expected result : 所以这是预期的结果

| user_id | user_name | voter_id | voter_name | total_num |
| 2       | Peter     | 4        | Barman     | 2         |
| 2       | Peter     | 3        | John       | 1         |

How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

SELECT t2.id AS user_id,
       t2.name AS user_name,
       t3.id AS voter_id,
       t3.name AS voter_name
       Count(t1.voter_id) AS total_num
FROM vote t1
INNER JOIN users t2
    ON t1.owner_post_id = t2.id
INNER JOIN users t3
    ON t1.voter_id = t3.id
WHERE t1.owner_post_id = 2 AND
      t1.voter_id <> t1.owner_post_id
GROUP BY t2.id AS user_id,

EDIT: 编辑:

SELECT pr1.id AS user_id,
       pr1.title AS user_name,
       pr2.id AS liker_id,
       pr2.title AS liker_name,
       x.which AS which_table,
       COUNT(pr1.id) AS total
SELECT rid, rootid, 'vote' which FROM p_likes
SELECT rid, rootid, 'comment' which FROM p_comments
SELECT rid, rootid, 'friend' which FROM relations
) x
INNER JOIN pagesroot pr1
      ON x.rootid = pr1.id
INNER JOIN pagesroot pr2
      ON x.rid = pr2.id
WHERE x.rootid = 1
      AND x.rootid <> x.rid
GROUP BY pr1.id,
ORDER BY x.which

Get all votes for the user, aggregate them and count. 获取用户的所有投票,汇总并计数。 Then join the user table twice; 然后连接用户表两次; once for the user, once for the voter. 一次给用户,一次给选民。

  usr.id as user_id, 
  usr.name as user_name, 
  vtr.id as voter_id, 
  vtr.name as voter_name,
  v.cnt as total_num
  select owner_post_id, voter_id, count(*) as cnt
  from vote
  where owner_post_id = 2 and owner_post_id <> voter_id
  group by owner_post_id, voter_id
) v
join user usr on usr.id = v.owner_post_id
join user vtr on usr.id = v.voter_id;

And here is the same method applied to your real query. 这是应用于实际查询的相同方法。 Just some other table and column names, so I think you should have been able to do this yourself. 只是其他一些表名和列名,所以我认为您应该可以自己执行此操作。

  pr1.id as user_id,
  pr1.title as user_name,
  pr2.id as liker_id,
  pr2.title as liker_name,
  x.which as which_table,
  x.cnt as total
  select rid, rootid, which, count(*) as cnt
    select rid, rootid, 'vote' which from p_likes
    union all 
    select rid, rootid, 'comment' which from p_comments
    union all 
    select rid, rootid, 'friend' which from relations
  ) all_in_one
  where rootid = 1 and rootid <> rid
  group by rid, rootid, which
) x
join pagesroot pr1 on x.rootid = pr1.id
join pagesroot pr2 on x.rid = pr2.id
order by x.which;

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