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通过忽略 gulp 中的文件扩展名对文件进行分组

[英]Grouping files by ignoring file extension in gulp

Assuming the following list of files假设有以下文件列表


a standard gulp task may look like this标准的 gulp 任务可能如下所示

gulp.task( 'exampleTask', function() {
  return gulp.src([ '*.json', '*.csv', '*.js' ])
    .pipe( gulpModule() )
    .pipe( gulp.dest( '/dest/' ) );

Using that setup each of the three files will get piped through gulpModule() .使用该设置,三个文件中的每一个都将通过gulpModule()管道传输。

My requirement, however, is slightly different: If the file extension is not .js and the same filename exists just with a .js extension, then do not pipe the current file along.但是,我的要求略有不同:如果文件扩展名不是.js并且存在相同的文件名,但只有.js扩展名,则不要通过管道传输当前文件。

So in the above example, only the following files would get piped through gulpModule() :所以在上面的例子中,只有以下文件会通过gulpModule()管道传输:


Any idea how to achieve this?知道如何实现这一目标吗?

You should be able to do this with a simple plugin, as demonstrated below.您应该可以使用一个简单的插件来做到这一点,如下所示。

  1. In the plugin, inspect your file name and run your business rules.在插件中,检查您的文件名并运行您的业务规则。
  2. If the file meets the parameters, pass it along with this.push()如果文件满足参数,则与this.push()一起传递

var through = require('through2');
var path = require("path");

gulp.task( 'exampleTask', function() {
      return gulp.src([ '*.json', '*.csv', '*.js' ])
        .pipe( gulpModule() )
        .pipe( gulp.dest( '/dest/' ) );

    var exclude = function() {

        return through.obj(function (file, enc, callback) {     

                var ext = path.extname(file.path),
                  filePath = file.path.substring(0,file.path.length-ext.length);

                if (ext!=".js" &&  !fs.existsSync(filePath + ".js") ) 
                    //push it, otherwise ignore it.

            return callback();


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