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Xamarin:如何处理 ACTION_ANSWER 活动

[英]Xamarin: How to deal with an ACTION_ANSWER Activity

I tried to deal with incoming calls to cancel or answer it but I can't.我试图处理来电以取消或接听它,但我不能。 I tried the following code:我尝试了以下代码:

[BroadcastReceiver(Label = "Blocking Calls")]
[IntentFilter(new string[] { "android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" })]
public class MyReceiver : Android.Content.BroadcastReceiver
    private const string IntentAction_BlockingCalls = "android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE";

    public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
        if (intent.Action == IntentAction_BlockingCalls)
            // ensure there is information
            if (intent.Extras != null)
                // get the incoming call state
                string state = intent.GetStringExtra(TelephonyManager.ExtraState);

                // check the current state
                if (state == TelephonyManager.ExtraStateRinging)
                    // read the incoming call telephone number
                    string telephoneNumber = intent.GetStringExtra(TelephonyManager.ExtraIncomingNumber);

                    Intent buttonDown = new Intent(Intent.ActionMediaButton);
                    buttonDown.PutExtra(Intent.ActionView, new KeyEvent(KeyEventActions.Down, Keycode.Headsethook));

                    Toast.MakeText(context, telephoneNumber, ToastLength.Short).Show();  // Flag 4        
                    // check the read telephone
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(telephoneNumber))
                        telephoneNumber = string.Empty;
                else if (state == TelephonyManager.ExtraStateOffhook)
                    // Toast.MakeText(context, "The call is answered", ToastLength.Short).Show();  // Flag 5
                    // incoming call answer
                else if (state == TelephonyManager.ExtraStateIdle)
                    // Toast.MakeText(context, "The call have ended", ToastLength.Short).Show();  // Flag 6
                    // incoming call end

I fetch the incoming phone number successfully but I can't answer or cancel it.So, I tried to use the action ( ActionAnswer ) below我成功获取传入的电话号码,但我无法接听或取消它。所以,我尝试使用下面的操作( ActionAnswer

Intent A = new Intent(Intent.ActionAnswer);

And as it's appearing in this screen shot from android developer site image the output and the input are nothing!!!.当它出现在这个来自 android 开发者网站图像的屏幕截图中时,输出和输入什么都不是!!!。 How can I deal with that action?我该如何处理那个动作? or there are any other methods I can use to cancel the incoming calls?或者我可以使用其他任何方法来取消来电? Thanks for advise.谢谢指教。 Here is the link of android developer.这是android开发人员的链接。 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#ACTION_ANSWER https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#ACTION_ANSWER

Finally, I found the solution and it works fine with me.最后,我找到了解决方案,它对我来说很好用。 That is the part we need.那就是我们需要的部分。

// check the current state
                if (state == TelephonyManager.ExtraStateRinging)
                    // read the incoming call telephone number
                    string telephoneNumber = intent.GetStringExtra(TelephonyManager.ExtraIncomingNumber);

                    // You can use Endswith, Equals, or any other available methods
                    //if (telephoneNumber.EndsWith("604"))
                    if (telephoneNumber.Equals("01282790604"))
                         var manager = (TelephonyManager)context.GetSystemService(Context.TelephonyService);

                        IntPtr TelephonyManager_getITelephony = JNIEnv.GetMethodID(

                        IntPtr telephony = JNIEnv.CallObjectMethod(manager.Handle, TelephonyManager_getITelephony);
                        IntPtr ITelephony_class = JNIEnv.GetObjectClass(telephony);
                        IntPtr ITelephony_endCall = JNIEnv.GetMethodID(
                        JNIEnv.CallBooleanMethod(telephony, ITelephony_endCall);

                        Toast.MakeText(context, telephoneNumber + "Is Blocked", ToastLength.Long).Show();

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