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Ionic 2文件存储

[英]Ionic 2 File Storage

I am currently trying to write a PDF that was created using PDFMake to file, and then take that file and attach it to an email. 我目前正在尝试将使用PDFMake创建的PDF写入文件,然后获取该文件并将其附加到电子邮件中。 I have spent 6 hours trying to do this and I keep getting errors. 我花了6个小时来尝试执行此操作,并且不断收到错误消息。

Below is my code for exporting the PDF. 下面是我导出PDF的代码。 I tested the PDF in serve using createPDF.open() and it worked. 我使用createPDF.open()在服务中测试了PDF,并且可以正常工作。 I have also printed the Base64 data in the console. 我还在控制台中打印了Base64数据。

exportPDF() {
    this.pdf = pdfMake;
    // For use in browser(web)
    //this.pdf.createPdf(getDocDefinition(this.issues, this.project, this.report)).open();
    let data : string;
    let newPDF;

    this.pdf.createPdf(getDocDefinition(this.issues, this.project, this.report)).getBase64((buffer) => {
      data = buffer;
      console.log("newPDF: " + data)

    // this.pdf.createPdf(getDocDefinition(this.issues, this.project, this.report)).getBuffer((buffer) => {
    //   data = buffer.toArrayBuffer();
    //   console.log("newPDF: " + data)
    // });

    // Platforms
    if (this.plat.is('ios')) {
      console.log("Platform: ios")

      let file = "testFingering.pdf"


      File.removeFile(cordova.file.cacheDirectory, file);
      File.writeFile(cordova.file.cacheDirectory, file, data).then(() => {
        // Success!
        console.log("writeFile: success!")

        SocialSharing.share("tits", "tits", cordova.file.cacheDirectory + file).then(() => {
          // Success!
          console.log("shareViaEmail: success!")
        }).catch((err) => {
          // Error!
          console.log("shareViaEmail: fail!  " + err)

      }).catch((err) => {
        // Error!
        console.log("writeFile: fail!  " + JSON.stringify(err));

    } else if (this.plat.is('android')) {
      console.log("Platform: android")

    } else if (this.plat.is('windows')) {
      console.log("Platform: windows")

    } else {
      console.log("Platform: web")



Here are the errors I am receiving: 这是我收到的错误:

2017-01-31 20:40:12.997343 CMTA[1725:417453] writeFile: fail!  {"code":12,"message":"PATH_EXISTS_ERR"}
2017-01-31 20:40:13.013456 CMTA[1725:417453] writeFile: fail!  {"code":"Invalid parameter type"}

I am only executing this code once, so 1) I am not sure why it is logging two errors. 我只执行一次此代码,因此1)我不确定为什么会记录两个错误。

2) I know "PATH_EXISTS_ERR" means the path already exists, but if you look in the code, I am deleting the file and recreating it every time. 2)我知道“ PATH_EXISTS_ERR”表示该路径已经存在,但是如果您在代码中查找,我将每次删除该文件并重新创建它。

3) What parameter should I be inputing? 3)我应该输入什么参数? It says it will accept "text", should I be using something else? 它说它将接受“文本”,我是否应该使用其他内容? I tried toBufferArray() before because that's what I did in my Ionic 1 version of this app, but that isn't working anymore. 我之前尝试过toBufferArray(),因为那是我在该应用程序的Ionic 1版本中所做的,但是现在不起作用了。

I would greatly appreciate any help as this is frustrating me to no end. 我非常感谢您的帮助,因为这无休止地困扰着我。

Well I ended up getting everything. 好吧,我最终得到了一切。 I had to do two steps though. 我不得不做两个步骤。

1) I had to move the File.writeFile() into the response from my createPDF() call. 1)我必须将File.writeFile()移到createPDF()调用的响应中。

2) I had to getBuffer() instead of getBase64() and then found a function on the internet for toBufferArray(). 2)我必须使用getBuffer()而不是getBase64(),然后在互联网上为toBufferArray()找到了一个函数。

Here is the final code: 这是最终代码:

exportPDF() {
    this.pdf = pdfMake;
    // For use in browser(web)
    //this.pdf.createPdf(getDocDefinition(this.issues, this.project, this.report)).open();
    let data;
    let file = "test11.pdf";
    let newPDF;

    this.pdf.createPdf(getDocDefinition(this.issues, this.project, this.report)).getBuffer((buffer) => {
      data = this.toArrayBuffer(buffer);
      console.log("newPDF: " + data);
      console.log(cordova.file.cacheDirectory + file);
      File.removeFile(cordova.file.cacheDirectory, file);
      File.writeFile(cordova.file.cacheDirectory, file, data, true).then(() => {
        // Success!
        console.log("writeFile: success!");

        SocialSharing.share("tits", "tits", cordova.file.cacheDirectory + file).then(() => {
          // Success!
          console.log("shareViaEmail: success!")
        }).catch((err) => {
          // Error!
          console.log("shareViaEmail: fail!  " + err)

      }).catch((err) => {
        // Error!
        console.log("writeFile: fail!  " + JSON.stringify(err));

    // this.pdf.createPdf(getDocDefinition(this.issues, this.project, this.report)).getBuffer((buffer) => {
    //   data = buffer.toArrayBuffer();
    //   console.log("newPDF: " + data)
    // });


  toArrayBuffer(buf) {
    let ab = new ArrayBuffer(buf.length);
    let view = new Uint8Array(ab);
    for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) {
      view[i] = buf[i];
    return ab;

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