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[英]javascript regex - extract number from string

Given "1/2009 stay longer" or "34/1874 got to go", how can I get the digit right after the "/" using regex. 给定“ 1/2009停留时间更长”或“ 34/1874必须离开”,我如何使用正则表达式获取“ /”之后的数字。
'1/2009'.match(/\\d+\\/(\\d)\\d\\d\\d/g)[0] is returning 1/2009 which is not what I want. '1/2009'.match(/\\d+\\/(\\d)\\d\\d\\d/g)[0]返回1/2009 ,这不是我想要的。 thx 谢谢

Your RegEx works, if you want single digit right after / 如果您想在/后紧跟一位数字,则RegEx可以工作

Your regex \\d+\\/(\\d)\\d\\d\\d will match digits / then four digits and add first digit after slash in captured group. 您的正则表达式\\d+\\/(\\d)\\d\\d\\d将匹配数字/然后是四位数字,并在捕获的组中以斜杠添加第一位数字。 Note that 0th captured group will contain complete matched string. 请注意,第0个捕获的组将包含完整的匹配字符串。 g flag is not necessary as there is only one instance of numbers in that pattern. g标志不是必需的,因为在该模式中只有一个数字实例。

You can use this regex, but use first index to get the digit right after slash. 您可以使用此正则表达式,但可以使用第一个索引在斜杠后立即获取数字。

                                   ^  : Get me the value from first captured group.

And this regex can be optimized to below 这个正则表达式可以优化到以下


This will match the number followed by / . 这将与/后面的数字匹配。 And use the first captured group to extract the number. 并使用第一个捕获的组提取数字。

 <input type="text" onblur="console.log(this.value.match(/\\/(\\d)/)[1])" /> 

To get all digits after / 要获取/后的所有数字

Just add + quantifier to \\d in the captured group. 只需在捕获的组的\\d中添加+量词即可。


Try 尝试

 var string = "1/2009 stay longer"; console.log(string.match(/\\/(\\d+)/)[1]); 

\\d+ matches one or more digits. \\d+匹配一个或多个数字。 If you're only interested in capturing the digit right after / , use string.match(/\\/(\\d)/ instead. 如果您只想在/之后捕获数字,请使用string.match(/\\/(\\d)/代替。



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