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使用Heroku App的1and1 SSL证书

[英]1and1 SSL Certificate with Heroku App

Could someone walk me through how to set up the SSL Certificate that I bought through 1and1 with my Heroku application and my 1and1 domain? 有人可以指导我如何设置我使用Heroku应用程序和1and1域通过1and1购买的SSL证书吗?

I am able to set it up and it stays active for a few minutes but then goes back to saying unsecured. 我能够进行设置,并且它会保持活动状态几分钟,然后再说不安全。

Let's call my domain harrison.com . 我们将其命名为harrison.com I have a subdomain www.harrison.com . 我有一个子域名www.harrison.com Let's say my heroku app is harrison.herokuapp.com . 假设我的heroku应用程序是harrison.herokuapp.com

What i'm currently doing is changing harrison.com to redirect to www.harrison.com and then changing that cname to harrison.herokussl.com which is currently not working. 我当前正在做的是将harrison.com更改为重定向到www.harrison.com ,然后将该cname更改为harrison.herokussl.com ,该功能目前无法正常工作。

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

I believe that I have finally solved this. 我相信我终于解决了这个问题。

I continued to redirect my TLD to the subdomain www , then then set the CNAME of the subdomain to www.my_app_name.com.herokudns.com . 我继续将TLD重定向到子域www ,然后将子域的CNAME设置为www.my_app_name.com.herokudns.com After that, I combined the server certificate (obtained from my DNS, 1and1), with the immediate certficate (also from 1and1) into 1 file with a .pem extension. 之后,我将服务器证书(从我的DNS,1and1获得)和即时证书(也是从1and1)合并到1个扩展名为.pem文件中。

Finally, I uploaded the .pem certificate and the .key key to Heroku. 最后,我将.pem证书和.key密钥上传到了Heroku。

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