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[英]How to hide or show button below div according to data more or less

If I run the code without the 'if' condition, the toggle button works very well, but I want the toggle button to hide if I have less data and/or appear if there is more data. 如果我在不使用'if'条件的情况下运行代码,则切换按钮效果很好,但是如果我有较少的数据,则希望切换按钮隐藏,如果有更多的数据,则希望出现切换按钮。 I also want a minimum content div height of 100px. 我还希望内容div的最小高度为100px。 Please help me. 请帮我。 Thanks. 谢谢。

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 var elmnt = document.querySelector(".backwhite"); var txt = elmnt.clientHeight + "px"; if (txt >= 100 + "px") { var mydivh = document.querySelector(".backwhite"); mydivh.style.height = "100px"; function toggleDescriptionHeight(e) { document.querySelector(".backwhite").classList.toggle('expanded'); e.target.textContent == 'Expand' ? e.target.textContent = 'Collapse' : e.target.textContent = 'Expand'; } var button = document.querySelector('.btn'); button.addEventListener('click', toggleDescriptionHeight) } else { var myElements = document.querySelector(".bbttnn"); myElements.style.display = "none"; var myElement = document.querySelector(".backwhite"); myElement.style.height = "100px"; } 
 body { background-color: #f1f3f6; } .backwhite { background-color: #fff; padding: 15px; overflow: hidden; } .backwhite.expanded { height: auto; } 
 <div class="container"> <h4>Description</h4> <div class="backwhite"> <p>1. Create Ui For Email Campaign.</p> <p>2. Create Functionality of Email Campaign</p> <p>3. Create Keyword Display using Drag And Drop Functionality.</p> <p>1. Create Ui For Email Campaign.</p> <p>2. Create Functionality of Email Campaign</p> <p>3. Create Keyword Display using Drag And Drop Functionality.</p> <p>1. Create Ui For Email Campaign.</p> <p>2. Create Functionality of Email Campaign</p> <p>3. Create Keyword Display using Drag And Drop Functionality.</p>--> </div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-block">Expand</button> </div> 

There were several redefinitions of the same variables, the CSS has been modified to handle all height definitions, and the if statement tidied to remove the 'px' (which interferes with the maths of the comparator). 对相同变量进行了多次重新定义,对CSS进行了修改以处理所有高度定义,并整理了if语句以删除“ px”(这会干扰比较器的数学运算)。

Note that if the minimum height (which is also best defined in the CSS) is set to 100px then the JS code won't be able to hide the button. 请注意,如果最小高度(在CSS中也最好定义)设置为100px,则JS代码将无法隐藏按钮。 So there is an addition count of child divs to allow the button to hide if less than 3. 因此,如果子div小于3,则存在一个额外的子div计数。

The code has been generally rearranged and annotated in the snippet below. 该代码通常在下面的代码段中进行了重新排列和注释。

 var elmnt = document.querySelector(".backwhite"), txt = elmnt.clientHeight, button = document.querySelector('.btn'); // elmnt only needs to be defined once function toggleDescriptionHeight(e) { elmnt.classList.toggle('expanded'); if (e.target.textContent === 'Expand') { e.target.textContent = 'Collapse'; } else { e.target.textContent = 'Expand'; } } // this function has been moved out of the if condition if (txt >= 100 && elmnt.children.length > 3) { // the 'txt >= 100 &&' can go button.addEventListener('click', toggleDescriptionHeight); } else { button.style.display = "none"; } 
 body { background-color: #f1f3f6; } .backwhite { background-color: #fff; padding: 15px; height: 100px; /* height defined here */ /* min-height: 100px; */ overflow: hidden; } /* note that if the minimum height is 100 you will always have the button */ .expanded { /* this should come after .backwhite */ height: auto; } 
 <div class="container"> <h4>Description</h4> <div class="backwhite"> <p>1. Create Ui For Email Campaign.</p> <p>2. Create Functionality of Email Campaign</p> <p>3. Create Keyword Display using Drag And Drop Functionality.</p> <p>1. Create Ui For Email Campaign.</p> <p>2. Create Functionality of Email Campaign</p> <p>3. Create Keyword Display using Drag And Drop Functionality.</p> <p>1. Create Ui For Email Campaign.</p> <p>2. Create Functionality of Email Campaign</p> <p>3. Create Keyword Display using Drag And Drop Functionality.</p> </div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-block">Expand</button> </div> 

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