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在Android Studio中创建新项目时出现一堆错误

[英]A bunch of errors while creating new project in android studio

I am using android studio version 2.2.3 and got these errors after creating a project. 我使用的是Android Studio 2.2.3版,创建项目后出现了这些错误。 The android version is default as android 4.03 icream . android版本默认为android 4.03 icream。

Here is the gradle image: 这是gradle图片:


I've experience this just yesterday when starting a new project with a fresh Android Studio Installation. 就在昨天,当我使用全新的Android Studio安装开始一个新项目时,我就遇到了这种情况。

You need to be connected to Internet first before starting the project. 在开始项目之前,您需要首先连接到Internet。 Android Studio need to downloads all the dependencies that are missing for your project. Android Studio需要下载项目中缺少的所有依赖项。

The problem is happened either because you're not connected to Internet or Android Studio is blocked by firewall . 发生问题是因为您未连接到Internet或Android Studio 被防火墙阻止

删除或注释以下行可解决问题,但每次创建新项目时我都必须这样做1)编写脚本,打开build.gradle(module:app)2)评论或删除以下行* testinstrumentationrunner“。 ....“ *评论除androidtestcompile” ... support:Appcompat“以外的所有依赖项,并注释其他行

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