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支持除 android 之外的所有平台的 Android 应用程序

[英]Android application with supporting all platforms except android

I create application in Android Studio, and send it to Google Play Store, after time i add library " littleprxy "(based on netty), and when it came time to send updated application in Google Play Console i see Supported platform : amd64-Linux-gpp, amd64-Windows-gpp, arm-Linux-gpp, i386-Linux-gpp, i386-MacOSX-gpp, x86_64-MacOSX-gpp, x86-Windows-gpp, and ofcourse 0 supported Android devices, but i can install apk manually, and it work fine.我在 Android Studio 中创建应用程序,并将其发送到 Google Play 商店,之后我添加了库“ littleprxy ”(基于netty ),当需要在 Google Play Console 中发送更新的应用程序时,我看到了支持的平台:amd64-Linux -gpp、amd64-Windows-gpp、arm-Linux-gpp、i386-Linux-gpp、i386-MacOSX-gpp、x86_64-MacOSX-gpp、x86-Windows-gpp,当然还有 0 个支持的 Android 设备,但我可以安装手动apk,它工作正常。 How i can fix it?我该如何解决? Maybe some parameters for gradle or manifest... Sorry for English也许 gradle 或 manifest 的一些参数......对不起英语

LittlePrxy is written atop Netty. LittlePrxy 写在 Netty 之上。 Netty is kind of "heavy" for Android. Netty 对 Android 来说有点“重”。 Most of Android devices are resource limit.大多数Android设备都是资源限制。 memory footprint, cpu usage should be carefully treated.内存占用、cpu 使用要慎重对待。 This is the reason why Netty doesn't support Android OS.这就是 Netty 不支持 Android 操作系统的原因。 Sure you will be able to use this lib but it is not recommended.当然你可以使用这个库,但不推荐使用。 This is why GooglePlay reports an error, because Android is not specified in the list of supported OS of this lib.这就是GooglePlay报错的原因,因为这个lib支持的OS列表中没有指定Android。

In short, you should not use LittlePrxy in your app.简而言之,您不应该在您的应用程序中使用 LittlePrxy。 You should find another library.你应该找到另一个图书馆。

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